Chapter 230 Baby, I Was Wrong

Dorothy did not understand why Credence asked her if she was hiding anything from him instead of telling her the situation the moment he came back from saving Germaine and Belle. For a moment, there was a complicated feeling in her heart and she was numb.

Of course, she was hiding something from him, but was this the right time to tell him about it?

Her eyes twitched. Dorothy suppressed the panic in her heart and asked him in a soft and burning voice, "Where's Germaine and Belle? Credence, where are the people you've saved? Where are they?"

She was supposed to rest in the simple and crude base, but she tossed and turned all night and was unable to sleep.

She was worried about the safety of her precious daughter and Germaine. She was worried that Credence and Marvin would encounter unimaginable danger once they went to that strange island to save people.