Chapter 293 From Hell To Heaven

Huge waves continued to crash over them, dragging Dorothy and Credence even deeper into the ocean.

Dorothy watched as Credence's face turned paler and colder, and his breathing became more labored. She tried to wriggle out of his arms. "Credence, let me go and stay alert or you'll die right here!"

"Dorothy, I can't let you go. I'm afraid that I'll lose you forever if I do."

Credence lowered his head and gave her a tender kiss on her smooth forehead.

He was rapidly losing his strength as more and more blood flowed out from his back due to the wounds caused by the sharp rocks. He himself did not know how long he could last.

They were in the middle of the ocean, and he used the remaining shreds of his consciousness to stay alert.

He was worried that if he didn't protect Dorothy, she would be washed away by the waves and disappear in the ocean forever.

By that time, none of them would be able to come back alive from the cold sea.