Chapter 360 You Are The One Who Deserves To Die!

Outside the ward, Juelz was stopped by two rows of bodyguards. He was greatly enraged when he was not allowed to go inside and visit Dorothy. He kicked the bodyguard in front of him, so angry that his eyes turned red.

"Credence, what's the meaning of this? Why won't you let me visit Dory?"

The bodyguard could not dodge in time and was kicked in the stomach by Juelz. However, his expressions remained the same. Soon, he caught hold of Juelz's arms and held him down.

In order to protect Dorothy and Belle from being hurt by Melanie, Credence had spent a hefty amount of money and hired the best mercenaries who had once been on the battlefield to protect Dorothy and Belle. All of them were skilled.

Therefore, Juelz's ordinary martial arts skills were no match for them.

Once Juelz was caught, two bodyguards who were standing behind him rushed up and dragged him away from the door in an orderly manner.