Chapter 467 Danger!

It seemed like there was no end to the hillside.

Dorothy curled herself up as best as she could. She used both her hands and legs, as well as her head, to protect her belly with all her might as she continued to tumble down.

The grass rustled as she rolled by, and from time to time, sharp corners of rocks would scrape on her face, chin, and her skin. She could feel tiny cuts all over her body.

The small wounds didn't hurt that bad, but there were so many wounds of all sizes on her that she was in immense pain. She frowned and hiss as she endured the pain.

Her vision was blurry as she rolled down. She could barely make out what was around her as she tumbled into the dark.

Apart from the whistling wind, she could faintly hear Credence's hoarse shouting. He continued calling out to her. HIs toned sounded worried but also was comfortingly familiar to her.

"Honey, look out! It's dangerous!"
