New Blood

Drawing my Titania, I pressed the muzzle against a woman's head and...

Squeezing the trigger, I grinned as her skull exploded, splattering the chip bags and pre wrapped burritos on the shelf.

Hearing the familiar boom of Wendigo's Triton, I turned my gun towards the next Serpeco, sending a bullet towards his chest.

Grunting, he fell to the ground, a hole over his heart. Clutching at the wound, he tried to stymie the bleeding, only to receive another bullet to the skull.

I started laughing, the iron smell of blood arousing me.

Ducking behind a shelf, I watched as multiple bullets streaked past me, impacting the instacrete wall behind me.

Seeing the red outline of two people kneeling behind a shelf, I stood up and sent two shots hurtling towards the outlines, rewarded with the screams as my bullets tore through them.

Wendigo lifted a woman up by the neck, her lips drawn in a serious line as she clenched her metal hand.

A loud crack resounded through the store, and after scanning around again, I licked my lips as I holstered my pistol.

Dropping the body, Wendigo shook her head at me, saying "Wipe that grin off your face, Alexandra."

I just grinned harder, inhaling the scent of gunpowder and blood in the air.

Looking at the bodies, I searched their pockets, taking anything valuable.

After that, I snatched the chips in their neural ports, intending to gift them to Ferra.

Standing up, I scanned the room, taking a chocolate bar before scooping up one of the compact SMG's a Serpeco member dropped.

Looking at it, I popped the mag out to see it half full, making me sigh.

Riffling through the jacket of the guy who dropped it, I found three mags.

"C'mon Alexandra, we need to get moving. Badge's'll be here soon."

I nodded, before exiting the store.

Wendigo entered the Hydra, opening a call as she sped off.

{You take the group a few miles south. Be careful, yeah?}

"Yeah yeah, stop babying me Wendi. I'll be fine. Just make sure you don't take another hit to your shoulder, 'kay~?"

{Fuck you}

Hearing the call close, I hopped onto a green bike, looking at it before pulling out the cable from my wrist, hooking it into one of the bikes ports.

Text appeared in my eyes, and I started recoding the bikes protocols, lifting it from restricted access to open.

Hearing the engine start under me, I grinned.

Removing the cable, I revved the engine, shivering at the feeling of being back on a bike.

Lifting the stand, I sped onto the road, shouting as the wind streaked over my skin.

Weaving between lanes and cars, I kept an eye on my map, closing in on the second group of Serpeco members.

They were lounging on the stairs of a public courtyard, jeering and catcalling the passerby's.

Driving onto the sidewalk in front of them, I kicked the stand down and smiled at the members, enjoying the way they stupidly stared at my body, ignoring the clear Serpeco insignia on the bike.

Drawing the pistol and SMG, I sent a hailstorm of lead flying towards them, laughing as their bodies shook from each impact.

Civies screamed and ran, while an officer ran towards me, grabbing for his pistol.

Tossing the SMG down besides them, I sped off again, turning a corner before racing towards Megatower Archon.

As I rode I called Wendigo, chuckling when she answered with a grunt.

{The hell you want!}

I heard the roar of her Triton as she blasted some poor soul, making them scream as they were peppered with pellets.

"You're so slow~ I'm almost back home, y'know?"

{Oh for...}

After another loud roar, Wendigo growled.

{Piss off, you bloodthirsty psycho...}

Cutting the call again, I laughed, cruising into the garage.

Parking the bike, I looked towards the large gathering of women, admiring the platinum covered Drakon in the corner.

Turning, one of them saw me approaching, raising her hand.

"Alexandra! Look, some big shot from Archon is visiting! Something bigs happenin'!"

I just chuckled, before saying "Hey, anyone wanna buy that Serpeco bike? I need some Den..."

More women looked towards me, pursing their lips as they looked at the bike in question.

"How much you want?"

I shrugged, saying "Make me an offer."


"10 and a night with me."

"12.5 with a meal on me!"

I chuckled at the various offers, before looking towards the first woman.

"Transfer the Den. Quick, quick!"

She gave me a wry look before sending the Den to me, and I chuckled as I saw the number rise again.

Waving, I made my way towards Ferra's, wanting to give her the chips.

Walking in, I froze at the calm, quiet atmosphere in the bar.

Looking around, I saw a woman in an expensive suit sitting in the corner, three large woman surrounding her table, pistols holstered on their hips as they protected her.

Raising a brow, I shrugged as I made my way to the bar, where Ferra was pouting, her chin on her hand as she looked at me.

Sliding the chips onto the bar, I whispered "Who's that?"

Scooping the chips up, Ferra was about to say something when I felt someone stand beside me.

Turning, I looked up at the woman, her long silver hair pulled into a braid as she narrowed her silver eyes at me.

"Is this the one?"

Her voice was cold and metallic, and after looking at her throat I saw the various implants whirring, making her glare at me.

Sighing, Ferra said "Yea, this is Alexandra, one of our best shooters. Alexandra, this is-"

"Sablina Archon, daughter of Duscana Archon. I need some new blood in my division..."

Leaning closer to me, Sablina lifted my chin with her cold fingers, narrowing her eyes as she muttered "You don't seem special."

I glared at the woman, pulling myself from her grasp as I snarled "Yea well neither do you, silver lady."

Sablina grabbed my jaw, her calm expression slipping.

However, before she could speak she froze, looking lower.

I had drawn my pistol and pressed it underneath her small chest, growling "Let. Me. Go."

She stared at it for a few more seconds, before releasing me.

Her guards had their own guns drawn, aiming them at me.

However, with a wave of her hand Sablina calmed them, a small smile on her lips.

Gesturing to the table she had been sitting at, she said "Good. Let's talk business, shall we?"