
Making my way to Ferra's bar again, I yawned as I passed by the other residents, mostly civilians or night workers, though I did see a few of the Maidens stumbling out of rooms, either wearing a content grin or being chased out by an angry lover.

Enjoying the all to familiar atmosphere of Megatower Archon, I entered the bustling bar, the bar itself being run by two of Ferra's close friends.

Seeing me, they just pointed to the back, where Ferra lived.

Opening the door, I was met with a dimly lit room, no windows on any of the walls.

Slumped on a desk in the corner, Ferra was fast asleep in front of a screen, her computer running hundreds of simulations and algorithms.

Gently closing the door behind me, I took light steps towards her, only to hear Ferra mutter "I'm awake..."

Sitting up with a sigh, Ferra looked over at me, her black eyes droopy as she struggled to stay awake.

Clad in a skintight black suit, Ferra sported a slim figure with pride.

Various implants were visible on her arms, hands, and head.

Getting up, Ferra yawned before moving the holo screen to the center of the room.

Pointing, Ferra started speaking with a dry voice.

"So, best I can see it, we have three options."

Separating the screen into thirds, she set them to float around us, before pointing to the first.

"Firstly, we have a silent infiltration of one of the buildings that this suit'll be staying at. We'd need to get a good scan of the interior of the building, and you'd need to get into the server room a few days prior to allow me access to their systems.

It'd be a quick, quiet strike; you'd go in on a fake alias, get a room near our mark, and wait for my signal. I'd open her door, shut the cams, and you'd have a few minutes to get in and out. Of course, her security is a pain in the ass."

Creating a separate screen, she threw it towards me, showing me a few photos of Cynthalla's entourage.

"A bunch of goons from a small, yet lethal gang up north. Physically boosted by artificial muscle and skeletons, these guys hit hard and fast. Of course, they also have means of attack for range; they use Tracker Pistols exclusively, meaning if they have a lock on you, a lotta lead is heading your way."

I nodded, looking through the files, before returning my attention to Ferra.

"Now, pros and cons of this;

Pros; we can bypass most of that security, as they stay in a separate room. If you can get in and out in under a minute, they wouldn't even know you were there.

Cons; a lot, and I mean a lot of prep work. We need access to the hotels systems, I need to create a whole identity for you, we need to get the funds to rent a room at the hotel..."

We both sighed, before Ferra turned to the next screen.

"Next is more your style, but risky as all hell. We just go in guns blazing, sending a hail of lead towards this suit and her guards. All the prep would be around getting some good gear, namely some autos and enough specialized rounds for you wreak all kinds of havoc inside.

I can try to get into the systems to get you inside the hotel and past security, but that would be it. You'd be by yourself the rest of the way, and if you can't finish quickly, well... an Imperator squad will arrive quickly, and you'd be dealing with hotel security as well. If you think you can manage, then this is the easiest plan I came up with. Depending on the gear we can scrounge up, this goes from nearly impossible to just barely challenging."

I chuckled at that, shaking my head as I said "Nah, as much as I love the rush of a gunfight, that would be plain suicide. Besides, any special rounds we get could be easily tracked; their special for a reason."

Ferra nodded, closing the screen.

She took a deep breath, looking at the last screen with pursed lips.

"This is... honestly, this is just because I know you've done this kinda work before..."

Raising a brow, I skimmed over the lines, before grinning at Ferra.

"I make a fake identity for you as a Doll, slot you in as her toy for the night, and you find yourself underneath her for hours."

Ferra looked at the ground, shuffling her feet.

I chuckled, saying "Well, that's the most likely to work isn't it? After all, these aren't some small hotel chains; we're talking places these suits frequent. Server'll be cleaned regularly, so I might not even be able to have your help inside."

Ferra nodde, sighing.

"Well, continuing on. You'd be her personal Doll for the night, and after getting her sufficiently... drained and tired, you can slit her throat, give her a virus, whatever you want to kill her. Her guards don't stay in the same room as her, and are told to give her space, especially at night. So, you'd be in for a bit, before getting out with none the wiser..."

I nodded, saying "Well, let's see you work your magic Ferra~!"

Ferra nodded, sending the screens back to her desktop.

Gesturing to the chair behind her, I sat and watched as Ferra's fingers glided over the keyboard, marveling at how she quickly and easily created the framework for a fake ID.

"Alright, you will now be one 'Maria Okken', a girl who grew up in the slums of the Hope District, and managed to escape your life of poverty by selling yourself as a Doll. I'll throw together a believable list of prior clients, mainly people who owe me favors and are corporates. Beside that, I'll get you an outfit and sent to your room by tomorrow. It'll be tailored to her tastes. Finally, I'll send you a quick overview of this 'Maria Okken's' life, as well as a personality chip to make your act more believable."

I nodded, getting up.

"When is she getting to this hotel?"

Turning back to the screen, Ferra scrolled through the various lines of text before saying "You have six days till she arrives. Anything you want to do, get it done now."

"Alright, thanks Ferra. I'll wait for that chip and outfit."

I left her room, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the bright lights of the bar.

Weaving around tables, I felt someone grab my arm.

Reaching for my pistol, I frowned when I realized I had given it to Kay.

Turning, I sighed when I saw Wendigo giving me a frown.

"Damnit you big gorilla, you scared the-"

"Alexandra, what's going on?"

Hearing her serious voice, I sighed again, before sitting down beside her.

"Well, a suit came; sure you heard about that. Gave me a job, one I couldn't refuse. So, here I am."

"You can't tell me about it, can you..."

Wendigo glared at the table, before sighing when I placed a hand on her large arm.

"It's alright, really. Ferra and I already have a good plan, so just wait for me. It'll be done as quick as that precious Hydra of yours~"

Wendigo gave me a dry look, before sliding a drink my way.

Pursing my lips, I looked at the dark liquid before shrugging, downing it in one shot.

The strong alcoholic taste was underlined with a hint of cinnamon, making me scrunch my face up.

Chuckling, Wendigo said "Come back in one piece, Alexandra..."

Getting up, I nodded down at her, about to leave when a thought struck me.

"Hey, keep the pay for yourself from yesterday; take Reaum out somewhere nice for a change."

Wendigo gave me a sad smile, understanding my hidden meaning, before nodding.

I made my way back to my room, plopping back down onto my bed.

Six days, huh...