Logging Out

Ray was thoroughly exhausted; he could feel his head spinning, and he was even unable to read any of the system notifications that sounded within his consciousness.

However, after the notifications sounded, a surge of energy came from the system that not only improved his condition but even increased his power.

"This..", Ray mumbled under his breath.

Ray stood up from the ground and looked at his limbs as he felt an immeasurable amount of power coursing through his body.

Moreover, he felt that after the battle he felt a bit energetic, as if some unknown shackles that bound him had weakened to some extent.


Little did Ray know how much shock he caused Aurora. Right now, Aurora was in a state of disbelief. She could not comprehend what just happened, because after Ray defeated the last two wolves and fell to the ground, he had accumulated a lot of experience points.

Thus, the system leveled up.

meaning that Ray had increased his strength. Yet the strangest thing was that when Ray's strength increased, Aurora naturally had more energy and had to provide Ray with energy to accommodate his increase in strength.

However, just when she released some energy to strengthen Ray's strength and body, the primal energy that she sensed earlier within Ray's body also released a little amount of energy and mixed with the energy she released, entered Ray's body, and even got absorbed within the system to some extent, unbounding the system even more.

However, the most frightening thing was that after absorbing the mix of primal energy and the energy released by the system, Ray's wounds and internal injuries started to heal, and Aurora herself felt the primal energy empowering the system as well. Aurora felt that the energy she released was compatible with the primal energy and even submitted to the primal energy within Ray.

Therefore, Aurora felt so shocked that she even failed to hand out the rewards Ray had obtained after completing the hidden quest she had handed out without Ray's knowledge. After some time, she came to her senses and noticed that Ray was in a trance-like state. So to wake Ray from such a stupor, she sent him all the notifications again.


Ray, on the other hand, was completely overwhelmed by the power coursing through his body. He also noticed that many, if not all, of his injuries had been healed. Therefore, he stood in his place for some time and enjoyed the feeling of being brimming with power. However, that did not last long as a series of notifications rang from his system, thus waking him up from his stupor.

"Ding!!! The host has defeated the basic tier, and the silver furred wolf host has obtained 500 experience points."

"Ding!" The host has defeated the basic tier, "Silver Furred Wolf," and has obtained 500 experience points.

"Ding!" The host has defeated the basic tier, "Silver Furred Wolf," the host has

"Ding!" "Hidden Quest completed." Defeat the alpha "

Ding Host has defeated a pseudo-intermediate-tier beast.

Ding!! Ding!!


Ray received so many notifications that he failed to notice all of them.

Therefore, he thought of checking them while being in a safe environment and out of the forest.

Ray then picked up the corpses of the silver-furred wolves and extracted the spirit core from within their bodies, while he also kept the bodies of the beasts in his inventory.

Then Ray dashed out of the forest. Although Ray knew that his strength had recovered and he was feeling energetic at this moment, He did not dare to linger in the forest any longer, as he knew that he was still mentally exhausted, and also because Ray did not want to take any unnecessary risks and overexert himself.


As Ray was dashing out of the forest, he felt an extraordinary aura lock onto him. The aura made his body shudder, and his knees buckled under the pressure produced by the aura. Ray stopped for a moment and looked around, but the aura disappeared as if it never locked on Ray.

where he hurriedly dashed out of the forest at full speed without looking back.

Little did Ray know that the aura that locked onto him was the aura of someone way stronger than him. It was to the extent that he could turn Ray into dust just with a single glance.


Huff !! Huff !! Pant! Pant !!

Ray's chest rose and fell heavily as he gasped for breath while he lay on the ground.

The aura still made Ray shudder, thus his mental state was a bit shaken.

As Ray's breathing steadied, his mental state also got better, and he regained his composure as well. Ray then picked himself up and made his way towards the city gate. Right now he was very near the city gate, as he had run from the forest all the way here without taking a rest or looking back.

Ray then reached the gate, and after showing the guards the token that he was out on a mission issued by the "Guild's Association," he entered the city and went towards the "Guild's Association" to submit the spirit cores to complete his quest and obtain his rewards.

As Ray entered the building belonging to the Guild's Association, many people glanced over at him for various reasons.

The first being that the armor on his body was fully covered in blood while his face was also splattered with blood; thus, many thought of him as a veteran who had just come back after causing a massacre.

whereas the second reason was the aura emitted by his beast souls, which he had not unequipped for obvious reasons. They emitted the aura of an intermediate beast. While only squad leaders were able to possess an intermediate beast soul within the city due to the rarity of beast souls and the fact that one had to kill intermediate beasts and acquire them with someone's help who could acquire such beast souls,

Under the astonished and dumbfounded gazes of everyone, Ray reached the counter and calmly said, "I want to submit the items for the completion of a quest."

Because Ray's face was smeared in blood and the aura he released was beyond what a normal mortal could handle, the man was scared to the point that it took all of his strength not to relieve his bowels.

Therefore, he hurriedly nodded at Ray and looked at the items Ray had handed over while marking the completion of the quest.

On the other hand, Ray and Aurora knew that such a change in behavior was due to Ray's beast soul and aura, while Ray's perspective towards human emotions and behavior also widened, and he understood that humans were vile creatures and, like beasts and demons, worshiped strength above all.

Ray then took his reward, while he also submitted the corpses of the wolves and exchanged them for one coin each. Therefore, he gained a total of 16 gold coins from his endeavor in the forest.

Ray was very happy as he had gotten 16 gold coins, and his strength had also increased along with the rewards provided by the system and also for the fact that the pseudo-intermediate beast crystal was still in his inventory for various reasons.

Now that Ray had enough gold coins, he could simply convert them into the currency of his world.

Then, Ray quickly left the Guild's Association's building and took off his armor as he traveled the streets to avoid any unnecessary attention.

Then he reached the checkpoint and logged out of the game.

And just as he had logged out, the world around him faded into darkness, and his consciousness returned to the capsule. He opened his eyes and got out of the capsule. As his feet touched his room's floor, Ray stepped a bit forward, reached his bed, and with a loud "thud," crashed on the bed, lost in the sea of dreams.


Ray groggily opened his eyes and noticed that the sky had turned dark. He did not know how much time had passed, so he sat down and checked how much time had passed. He saw that he had been asleep for a couple of hours and that it would be time for dinner soon. Therefore, he thought of checking his rewards and having a chat with his system before dinner.