Having A Chat With THE Dean

"Mom, I am home", Ray shouted as soon as he entered through the door. Ray did not know why, but it was a habit of his to always shout and tell everyone of his arrival when he arrived at his home.

He greeted his mother and walked upstairs to his room. After a long day, he wanted to take a bath and relax for a while before he started grinding at 'System Online'. 

He walked to his room, opened the door, and entered. After taking off his clothes and putting them in the cloth basket, he looked at himself in the mirror. Little did he know that the act of looking at himself in the mirror would leave him astounded because what he saw was simply unbelievable. 

"Huh!"When did my body become so toned? and how the hell do I have abs on my torso?.Ray simply stared at his body, as he was unable to comprehend what had happened to him.

 He had abs on his torso, rock solid abs that seemed to be carved on his body by an artisan. Seeing that there were abs on his body, he proceeded to check his whole body and surely. What he saw left him stunned to such an extent that he began to question himself,

He realized that had changed within the past two weeks. although he did not place concerns on his looks that much. He occasionally checked his body to see if he would gain weight or anything of that sort.

 However, he had been quite busy ever since he obtained his system, as he was trying to get stronger and lately he was burdened with the test of the academy and all. Hence, he had not been able to keep up with the changes in his body. Therefore, he was especially surprised after seeing such a change.

"But how??"That was the only question in his mind right now and he did not work out in his whole life. Thus, he unknowingly asked Aurora. Perhaps it was because she was his system and was present within him or it was because she seemed to know almost everything, so any supernatural questions and mysteries that Ray came across he asked her. Hence, his dependence on Aurora had increased quite a lot but not in a disadvantageous manner. 

He asked,

 "Uh…, Aurora, do you know why my body changed so drastically within the past two weeks, it seems less like my body and more like a work of art, especially my torso".

To this, Aurora replied without even a bit of exasperation in her voice, "Duh! dummy, you are as naïve as a child in matters related to systems. 

You see, every time your system levels up, it also strengthens your body and culls out the impurities within you, and sensing from the state of your body. You are very close to your first breakthrough, through which a majority of your body's impurities would be expelled".

Listening to Aurora's explanation, Ray naturally understood everything and did not linger on the topic anymore. However, it was a completely different case for Aurora, who at this moment sighed while inside Ray's system, 

"This guy is very strange. To be able to achieve his first breakthrough so soon, that too without cultivating any cultivation sutras or meditation techniques. It surely has something to do with the strange energy within him".

Meanwhile, Ray continued with his bath. After cleaning himself and having a change of clothes, he felt much better and laid down on his bed while his mind drifted towards the chat he had with the dean a few hours ago.


It had been quite an experience for Ray while he was with the dean. From the dean being shocked and the dean's system showing up in a corporeal form while bowing down to him. At first, he did not know what to do as he was terrified by the aura released by the demonic system. However, he calmed down and proceeded to have a chat with the dean.

There were a lot of things that he had to discuss with the dean the first thing he needed to talk about was something he needed the dean to assure him of, thus he spoke in a serious tone, 

"Well.. Dean, I know you called me here to talk about some important matters and I also want to talk to you about some very important matters. Furthermore, I believe that the topic we are to talk about is more or less the same. Therefore, what I am about to tell you should not be leaked anywhere outside of this room".

Listening to Ray's tone and seeing the expression on his face. The dean knew that things were going to get extremely serious and highly confidential. Thus, he opened a cabinet under his desk and took out a magic crystal. Then, he crushed the magic crystal, which caused a radiance to flow out of it. The radiance covered the whole room and formed temporary runes on the walls of the room. 

The dean then spoke, "I understand, now you may speak. What I have just crushed is a magical crystal that can create a barrier that separates an area into a different dimension for 15 minutes. Therefore, only I would be able to hear what you have to say. However, I would recommend you hurry as neither do I have much time nor is the crystal's effect going to last long".

Upon Listening to the dean's words and realizing that the dean was serious as well, Ray nodded and started explaining his special system to the dean. 

However, he did not tell the dean everything and only told him about his ability to wield different types of magic, and his ability to obtain the highly rare beast souls. Ray did not say that he could evolve his system to such a level that he could extract the abilities, skills, and even innate bloodline abilities of different beasts, nor did he tell the dean about the fact that he could also extract different magical essences from high-grade treasures and herbs. 

There were even a lot of other things that he did not tell the dean about. He just gave the dean some basic knowledge and information which made the dean tremble from shock and excitement.

The shock came from the fact that even the dean could not believe how the heavens allowed such a system to exist, while the excitement came from the hope that with such a system the man in front of him would be their speck of light within the endless darkness that was to be brought when the restrictions were lifted and he might lead them to a new age.

However, Protheus also knew that to nurture such a talent, he had to be extremely careful while he would also have to save Ray from the schemes of those who wanted to ruin humanity. 

Hence, Protheus only listened to what Ray was saying and in the end, he said , 

"So what you mean to ask for is, if the academy would allow you to train and have access to all of the facilities that are reserved for those with different types of systems along with the fact that you require access to all classes about different types of systems as well. Furthermore, you need the freedom of leaving and entering 'System Online' as to your wishes. Am I right?".

To this, Ray replied, "Yes sir, you are extremely right, and please consider your answer carefully as you know that a very dangerous threat is approaching . Hence, we need to be ready".

Listening to Ray's words, the dean had no expression on his face. However, upon hearing Ray's last words. The expressions on the dean's face turned ugly as he hurriedly asked,

"Where did you g-", 

"Don't worry about how I got to know about it, you could say that it's also a part of my system's strength", Ray's words cut off the dean in the middle of his sentence, while the dean said nothing and gestured to Ray to leave if he had expressed everything he wanted to say.

Ray got up and left as he didn't want to overstay his visit to the dean.


Ray sighed as he recalled his negotiations with the dean. He hoped that things would turn out well and that humanity would be able to strengthen themselves and progress to perfection before 'System Online' stopped restricting the powerful existences that were beyond humanity's control and stopped them from stepping forward and devouring humanity.

He stood up and walked downstairs for dinner before he started to put his plans into motion.


[A/N:- Another chapter for you all. Would like to thank all those reading these chapters. I have a small request and it would be very helpful if you all could add this novel to the library. It would help me in ways even I couldn't imagine . And thx for the support.]