Ray's Return

"Be ready; I will be sending you back to your consciousness." Also, be prepared; you don't know in what situation you may find yourself. Therefore, no matter what, proceed with caution and don't do anything without observing your surroundings," Mag'ladroth cautioned, then started cutting the connection between his consciousness and Ray's.

"What about you? Are you coming right now or will you do so later?" Ray inquired.

"I will be right behind you; just don't leave the dungeon as soon as you clear it." "I will bond with your system after you clear the dungeon, but I can't do that on Earth, and doing it in System Online is also dangerous as visiting that dimension would alert a lot of creatures, of which most are my enemies," Mag'ladroth answered and waved his hands, his form changing back to its original while Ray faded from his position.