The Final Fight (Part 3)

"Arghhh! You bastard! What did you do to my arm?" The Goblin Queen screamed as she asked him in anger.

"Oh, that? Nothing much, just a small surprise gift from my side for the service you just gave me. Got to say, even though your face is disgusting, your skills are top-notch. Not to mention that sizzling body of yours," Ray winked, angering the Goblin Queen, even more, he laughed at her expense.

"I am going to kill you!" She shouted. Her face throbbed from anger as she started to attack him.

"Come at me you bitch. I will teach you a lesson for molesting me like that," Ray spoke, his voice cold as a dangerous glint shone in his eyes.

Seeing him be so cocky, the Goblin Queen's anger skyrocketed as she rushed in to attack him.

With her rushing at him, Ray smiled as he put his fist in front of him and took a boxing stance. Channeling his bloodline energy, he coated his fists with a thick layer of Void as he punched her in the face.