Nest Crystal And Aurora's Energy Deficit

"Okay, that's it then," the dean said. Placing his hand on the table, he had found a use for the Nest Crystal.

"What did you finalize?" Old Man Abraham looked and asked. Curious to know what the den had chosen while the dean himself happily pushed his hand forward, saying; "Here you go,"

Old Man Abraham looked in his hand and found a small piece of paper saying, "Armor,"

"Are we going to follow it?" Old Man Abraham turned to the others and asked as never did he expect dean to draw such a wild use for the Nest Crystals.

"Well, using them for armors isn't bad. But we have five Nest Crystals and aren't going to use them all for making armor. Therefore, I suggest that we choose the work for one Nest Crystal each. Such as, with armor being chosen once, we can exclude it in the next draw and draw once more to see what comes up," Amanda spoke as she gave her idea.