Gaining Control Over The Situation (Part 2)

"Hehe…" Silent Sword merely giggled. His figure flickered as various sword arcs were formed in the domain. They merged into one another as huge net of arcs was formed.

It solidified further as the net grew to the edges of the domain. This was the sword intent that Silent Sword had developed over the years and right now, he planned on using it against the sea princess.

Seeing the sword intent gathering around in the form of a net, the sea princess frowned. She had some idea of what it was and knew very well that she couldn't let herself be caught up in the net.

Slashing her trident upwards, she controlled the water around her. The water rose in the air while she used her trident as support and jumped high in the air.

With her trident angling downwards, she aimed at Silent Sword and threw it at him.

"Swoooshhh," Slashing the air along with it, the trident flew at Silent Sword while behind it, a huge wave followed.