Dealing With The Troll

"Tsk," Ray clicked his tongue in disappointment. Hailey was strong but her experience was lacking. She didn't know how to deal with such monsters and it was the tripping point.

Ray knew that they had lost the fight before it even started.

"Guess I will have to step in," he thought but waited. He would let them suffer for some time and then step forward and defeat the troll.

He had a whole plan ready in his mind and he was sure that he would be able to defeat the troll easily.

"All of you, spread up," Hailey switched tactics. Knowing that attacking at once wouldn't work, she decided to spread up and attack from all sides.

Though, she cared for her safety beforehand and gathered the strongest ones around her. Moving farthest from the troll, she focused on attacking using ranged attacks.

"Sighhh," Ray couldn't take it anymore. Just seeing her strategy was a torture.