The Goal To Defy Fate Itself

"… So as I way saying, the nightmare isn't over yet. Things are only getting started and with of us being here, it only means that we have found a better stronghold than before. Therefore, to protect our planet, our cities, our homes, we need to fight back and conquer it all back from them," As Ray said these words, he sighed and took a deep breath.

After that, he opened his mouth to say something but what could he say? He had said all he wanted to and had no words left to speak. He just stood there in the middle of the hall as everyone had their eyes on him.

"Guess, that's all," Ray simply muttered and then walked back. The others nodded as they all clapped for him and the speech he had just given but Ray didn't notice it at all.

His mind was somewhere else. His thoughts were scattered as a single question came up in his mind,

'Will we ever be free again? Be back to normal? Or will it just go on with this horrendous and barbarous life?'