The Situation Changes

"At least you are coming clear," Ray muttered as he took a seat and grabbed the steaming cup of coffee that had appeared right in front of him. He took a big sip. The coffee went down his throat as he felt his nerves calm down.

Ray felt a bit more relaxed as he readied himself to hear the bomb that Aurora was going to drop over him.

"Ray, I know that you are confused and that a lot of things aren't making any sense at all. So calm down and at least hear what I have to say," Aurora spoke as she also took a seat. Followed by Mag'ladroth and FengFeng as both of the mythical deities were more or less in the same position as Aurora.

They knew about the things but kept shut over the pretense of not hurrying Ray or worrying him too much but from how things were at the moment, coming clear to him would have been the best of them all.