Ray’s Mother Against The Enchantress

"What the hell is happening here?" Sirius questioned as he wandered out of his shadow. All around were flames that burned endlessly while right in the middle was a big shield, radiating a soft glow that almost flickered. Signaling that it was on the end of its ropes.

Sirius took to another shadow around him and appeared right behind the shield. Over there, he saw an unconscious Nia along with Tim who seemed panicked enough to forget everything around him.

"Guess it was her," Sirius thought as he sensed the lack of mana in the surroundings and given the exhausted state Nia was in, it didn't take long for him to connect the links, "Even then it seems that the enemy is alive, not by much though," Sirius murmured as he raised his hands and called upon the shadows around him.

Due to the intense heat and the flames, the shadows were few and weren't much strong but it was enough to serve his purpose.