Facing The Earth Drake [Part 3]

A group of seven made their way through the forest. They had been walking around the edges, circling the perimeter of the forest, trying to find clues to the task they had been given.

They walked in a defensive formation, appearing cautious of their surroundings, two stood in front while a single person guarded the back with one person on each side while a single person stood in the middle, focusing all the energy it had on the scroll that floated in front of him.

As for one other, he was the lone wolf of the group. Circling around the formation as he felt right, the man was the defense, offense and the support of the group and naturally, this person was the leader of this whole group.

With special abilities in swordsmanship and a leather armor capable of blocking various attacks, the man was light and agile. Being the perfect example of someone who could mercilessly kill their enemy and even defend against stronger opponents when needed.