Birthday, Hao Niu

Today is a big day for Cui Ling. Not because it is his birthday, but because a special someone will be here to attend it.

His father was standing in front of door welcoming guests with a broad smile and a booming laugh.

Thanks to his former job as a vice-captain he made quite a bit of friends in the town's martial hall, but because of an injury he retired early.

This however didn't stop him from thriving.using the connection he had and borrowing money from here and there, he opened a shop that sells items that people usually find it difficult to buy. Making the business quite good.

Thanks to the fact that his financial situation is superb around this area, he made more 'friends' in different kinds of fields.

Cui Ling himself was currently surrounded by his own little 'friends'

"Gege. There are a lot of people in your birthday "

"Big brother Ling.they have a big candy ball for your birthday, right?"

Cui Ling was sitting calmly,and trying his best to keep an innocent face.his mind was calm as he thought about how he is going to proceed with the plan.

Seeing Cui Ling ignoring them, the children pouted as they started to complain by being more annoying.

This didn't affect him much but he still had to act bothered, so the people won't start saying he's possessed by a demonic spirit, and get thrown into a dungeon for an exorcism ritual.

Demonic spirits were a headache to many people.even as mortals, Cui Ling already saw how demonic spirits caused chaos.

From what he heard, these entities uses human bodies as a tool to nurture themselves after possession.

Having a demon spirit inside a person will make them more aggressive and show unnatural behaviour. By unnatural behaviour it means anyone who doesn't conform to the social norms.

Realising this early on,Cui Ling made sure to be on the good side of adults to receive their blind protection and overlook some strange actions of his if they happen to notice.

As he was doing his act, he heard a cry. Immediately, he turned his head only to see a 4 years old boy pulling a doll from the hands of his sister. Frowning,he walked to them and said "what do you think you are doing? "

The boy turned around and said as matter of fact " my sister wants to play with this doll. Isn't it normal for her to give it to us as a gift?"

Cui Ling shifted his eyes to the side and saw a little girl who looked similar to the one In front of him.then he looked at Xue'er who now is half-crying.

He casually took the doll from her hands and slapped it across both of his cheeks causing this boy to fall to the ground. Just like that, the tough act was gone and his eyes started to redden.

Unexpectedly this soon caught the attention of people.the sounds of hushed whispers filled the room.

Apparently this is a son of an important person around this area, but this wasn't really something to worry about since his father isn't to be messed with either.

Not caring about him any longer. He asked Xue'er "if you give her your doll, father and mother will definitely be happy and give you something better"

Xue'er was wearing a cute blue dress with white flowers that made her look more innocent. This little sister of his was quite obedient as she quickly nodded and gave the doll to the stunned toddler who caused all of this.

Watching her, A strange look flashed across his eyes but only for an instant.

He took Deng Xue and searched for his mother. Shortly he found her chatting with other women and he already guessed that they were the reason for the fact that Xue'er was wandering alone as they caught all of their mother's attention with female pointless gossip.

He told her to don't leave mother's side and left for his room for some alone time.

' I have been waiting for today for a quite while.if everything goes smoothly, I'll be taking a big step ahead '

He closed his eyes and started to meditate, waiting for today's important guest to come.

He didn't have to wait for long as his father's loud laugh boomed outside.he stood up and walked to where the guests were chatting.

He looked at the house's entrance and saw Deng Wuyan walking in with a middle aged man.from how close they're to each other and the big smile on his father's face and the clothes worn by this man, he guessed that this should be Hao Niu, the person mentioned by the guards.

Cui Ling watched as people swarmed towards them with flattering faces,ready to improve their relationship.

His goal was make this man bring him along to Peng do that, he needs a good enough reason or for Hao Niu to wish he could bring him.

From the information he gathered, Peng city was the only place that could help him to yet again enter the cultivation road. For quite a while, he had no idea how to go there, since moving large distances isn't available for anybody. This was caused by constant danger lurking in the wilderness.even his father never moved far from this town.

But with enough patience he finally got another piece of the puzzle, which was this man, Hao Niu. Like his father, he was also a vice captain but to a different town area.

Luckily for him, both know each other and were somewhat acquaintances.their relationship become closer after they got discharged because of an injury.this saved him extra effort.

But unlike his father, he didn't stay and started a family but decided to leave, making everyone think he was crazy with a death wish, but contrary to everyone's expectations he came back three years later. What's more,he somehow managed to make connections in Peng City.this is the reason why the current scene of people and even his father sucking up to him displayed itself.

Even the town chief barely has any connections to the outside.not to mention Peng City.

While Cui Ling is deep in thought, his father finished exchanging pleasantries for the second time.he then then invited everyone to take a seat.

"Ahm. first of all, I would like to thank everybody who was able to attend today's celebration of my only son's sixth year anniversary"

Cui Ling walked Deng Wuyan's side and said using the eloquence he learned

" Hello everyone. I'm Deng An. I thank you all for taking time of your busy schedule to attend this humble event " he did it while slightly lowering his upper body,hands sticking to his sides

The crowd couldn't help but be wasn't difficult to make a 6 years do this, but to be refined and smooth as Cui Ling wasn't something they were used to seeing.

Seeing their reaction,as a father,he couldn't help but reveal a proud and satisfied smile. Hao Niu also nodded approvingly.

" Brother Wuyan,to think that this polite and gentleman-like child is your son. It seems that your wife is more amazing than what you told me "

Deng Wuyan gave him a cold glare " he naturally inherited half of it from me.old Niu,you just arrived and you are already trying to create trouble. It's truly a miracle, how you survived out there "

After jokes started to fly around,the party became more lively.

"Anyway, today is a day of happiness and fest.please don't restrain yourself and enjoy the evening "

After saying more formalities,the gathering officially started. Cui Ling walked between the tables, observing how these people flattered each other.

No matter where you are,as long as there's free will and intelligence, hypocrisy will always exist. This is something that can only be truly felt once you experience different status in life.

One of the reasons he walked the demonic path in his past lives,was the desire to walk out of this cycle of hypocrisy and wanted to chase the so-called happiness….he was truly naive.

He quickly shook off these thoughts and walked to Deng Wuyan and Hao Niu's table. He quietly stood behind his father, it was considered rude to sit on a table for adults without permission.

"Brother Niu, let me show you this son of mine. Although he looks a bit crafty and pale, he's actually quite strong and smart for his age. An'er quickly greet your uncle"

Cui gave a bow and said " An'er greets uncle Niu "

Hao Niu caressed his well groomed beard and said smilingly " don't listen to your father's nonsense, he is just annoyed that he wasn't like you when he was your age "

Seeing the upward curving lips on his son's face and the teasing expression on this friend of his, the corner of his eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Hao Niu let out a loud laugh.he knew this man's personality way too well, even after all of these years, these few words could still get in his head.

Feeling that the time is right, his eyes let out a sly wisdom, he said with half-timid, half-excited face

"Uncle Niu, I heard that you are able to leave the town as you wish and adventure in the wilderness, you also can enter the big Peng city"