Heart Sealing Sutra

Next morning.

As the chirping sounds of birds became more frequent, Cui Ling gradually woke up. He dragged his groggy body to wash and change, then he started his morning meditation.

After coming to this he realised that most of his past life cultivation methods lost their value, even with his stable mind, heartache still tortured him for a while.

Luckily enough, not all his cultivation knowledge turned useless; patiently trying them one by one he found out that only techniques that helped or were related to the state mind and 'will' were still effective.

Although they currently don't provide any combat abilities and the improvement with them is slow, looking down on them is definitely a poor judgement.

He practised them everyday, whenever he could, but because of his already developed mind there wasn't much progress during the past six years.

Adjusting his breathing rhythm,he recited strange words in heart,they had an ancient feeling to them. To the people of this world,these words are gibberish, but words and sentences were the essence of his cultivation method.

Currently he was practising the sealed heart sutra,this was a main focus of his even in the previous world.

This sutra was built on the fact that humans are an emotional driven being, although men are less emotional, these mortal feelings could still affect the best of them.

Love, guilt, shame, despair, honour…. sealing heart wasn't about removing them and making the self a piece of glacier.in fact, it was quite the opposite.

Keeping those emotions but not letting them affect your course of action is the fundamental principle of this sutra.Ironclay, Because of this it was considered a righteous faction method.

Most demonic cultivators considered this as a joke and used it to teach new disciples a lesson about the world.


A pair of an old man and a teenager were sitting on grass. Suddenly the former asked

"Disciple, what do you know about the sealing heart sutra? "

" It is a method with a long history, it is about keeping the human emotions without letting them muddle your head and decision making "

"So what is the difference between it and having no emotion?"

This question stumps a lot newbies and those who answer will say " the difference is that by having them you can be more flexible than those ice-like demons who only knows how to kill "

" Haha, do you know what the righteous path attitude is?"

The disciple answered uncertainly

" Aren't…they not prohibiting it ? "

" Correct, those righteous old fogies accepted this sutra a 'good' because it doesn't take out the emotions and helps in clarifying the mind,but all of this is to cover the essence of this method which is more compatible than us demonic cultivators "

Looking at his disciple's confused face,he helplessly continued explaining " Sealing heart sutra is keeping emotions without letting them affect you,at least not all of them, so what is use of holding them?the correct answer is simple, a better appearance "

The young Cui Ling looked at his master who stopped explaining and went into deep thoughts


"Black demon…."

Cui Ling quickly shook off this sudden surge of memories.

Back then, Black Demon didn't explain everything, but as he grew and cultivated;he understood on his own.

The true use of Sealing heart sutra is to let the user create a mask of emotions that other people can feel.

Simply, it is ruthlessness with better packaging, which completely fits with how the righteous faction conducts itself.

Cui Ling focused on his cultivation and stopped all the meaningless thinking.

Session of practice later, he stood up and began doing basic stretch exercises.

Soon, the sun fully raised and the house became noisier, baby's cries and the busy kitchen's sounds reached his ears. Seeing that it was about time, he cleaned the sweat off his face before exiting the room.

'From what happened, yesterday there is a high chance they changed their minds. I heard that Hao Niu will leave in a week'

How? He only knew that he had to join back a group of people as they passed by a certain point,where? He didn't know.

Reaching the living room, Cui Ling saw Deng Wuyan trying his best to stop Xue'er from crying.

Seeing his son coming, a large arc appeared in his face " An'er, come and comfort your sister, you are good at doing it "

As weird as it sounds,his own child was better than him in dealing with her; maybe it was because when he raised Cui Ling, he didn't deal with such things. He was a calm child who didn't cry much, making things very easy for him.

After taking turn he said "I'm going to prepare the store for opening, keep close eye on your sister "

He didn't hold his sister in the air, they both sat on a special carpet that was specifically bought for her when she was younger and couldn't move. It was thick and soft so she wouldn't cut herself or get hurt if she fell.

Gazing at this little creature by his side,he wondered why Xue'er always becomes quiet and obedient when he watch over her.

' Can this innocent baby be able to see the blood on my hands? maybe feel the true coldness of my heart ? '

Cui Ling thought it was unlikely, after all, he never let his guards down even in front of her and with the sealing heart sutra, he could hide his true colours better.

As a reincarnator, he knew better than to be incautious just because she's a baby. keeping the act a bit longer doesn't hurt him in anyway, so why not be more

careful ?

" An'er you are awake? Oh..did your father made you look after Xue? " A helpless voice sounded.

Cui Ling turned his head to see Pan Ruolan in a red apron.

' it seems that she calmed down, but that's expected,a good night sleep is enough to relax her nerves for now '

" Mother, good morning...." he greeted with a bit of concern.

Pan Ruolan smiled " no need to worry, I'm fine now. Breakfast is ready, no need to wait for your father; since he is too busy to after his daughter, he might as well stay there "

Watching her son happily agreeing and quickly moving to the dining table she sighed "children happiness is really simple, how wonderful it would be if ours was the same "

After a delicious meal, Cui Ling was about to go outside as usual but Deng Wuyan suddenly called him.

" An'er…. Come with me, we are going to visit your uncle Niu "

" What about the store father? "

" The store will be fine, now come "

Han Niu currently lived in an inn, it was said that this inn used to be owned by him, but he sold it so he can have enough funds to prepare for his departure.

After a half an hour walk they reached the place. Deng Wuyan casually pushed the door open and entered the dining hall.

"Oh.. brother Wuyan, what a rare guest. Quickly come and have a drink "

" Let's see if your marriage life made you a bad drinker "

Deng Wuyan smiled, after a round of greeting and declining, he went upstairs directly to Hao Niu's room.

He knocked a few times before the door was opened.

" Hoo! Old Wuyan, what brings you early in the morning? " While saying this he gestured for them to enter.

" Brother Niu, I won't beat around the bush, I discussed the matter with Ruolan and we decided that it's indeed a rare opportunity to make up for past regrets.

Sitting in front of Deng Wuyan who now has a serious expression,he felt surprised.

Back then, he only offered on a whim and didn't expect for him to actually do it.

He then looked at the 'child' who was happily looking at him.

Cui Ling extended his hands and said with his innocent face

" Uncle Niu, Where is my gift you

promised ?"