Uninvited Guests

" Junior brother, our mission is simple, we need to retrieve some things master left behind long ago"

Seeing the confusion on their faces, Chang Xing continued with a smile

" Long ago, the master left a few items hidden because the time wasn't ripped yet to collect them, as for what that means I have no idea"

" No need to think too much, we will do as we are told, as usual "

The three nodded after looking at each other. Chang Xing smiled

' it's time for you to prove your worth a little, show me that I didn't waste my efforts showing you the path of cultivation '

" So senior brother, when are we leaving?"

Cao Mingyu was the most excited among the three, he was dead bored these months; He only cultivated and secretly looked for some natural treasures or hunted spirit beasts.

But what annoyed him most was that he needed to be careful in doing anything, afraid of being caught by humans or beasts.

" Right now, the sooner we finish the task the better" without another delay he turned and dashed between the woods.

" Senior brother! Wait up "

" Little bastard, how dare you say that? You should follow silently and do your best to not be a burden" Sun Shoushan angrily chipped in from the side.

Before Cao Mingyu can reply to this bootlicker, a calm voice reached his ears

" If you don't shut up and hurry, you will be left behind"

Fu Shaoqing ran past them after leaving these words. Without further chit-chat they hurriedly followed.


One day later.

They reached a valley. The surroundings were filled with tall trees, not to mention the dark green grass and bushes that made the valley entrance hidden from those who were not focusing.

Cao Mingyu looked around curiously "Senior brother, is this our distinction?"

Chang Xing nodded " Yes, our goal is inside, but before that…" narrowing his eyes, he looked behind

" Isn't it time to show yourself now?"

The three martial brothers hastily turned around, wariness clearly showing in their faces.

After a moment of silence an arrogant laugh followed by a group of three appeared.

The one who was laughing stepped up "Chang Zhang! What a coincidence we met here."

' Who would believe that ' Cao Mingyu thought. He was angry, not because of the obviously fake smile hung on the man's face, he was angry because he didn't notice a group was tailing them.

For an outlaw, being sensitive and careful not to be followed was an important skill, it could be said to be a lifeline. In this wilderness where the supreme law of strength is followed to the extreme; being unaware of enemies tailing is the same as digging your own grave.

Looking at others, they also had grim expressions. Only Chang Xing appeared to be calm as though he knew all along,in fact he would be surprised if no one followed them; after all he started his plan with the belief of this happening.

"Can you stop embarrassing yourself with this shallow hypocrisy? When will you start acting like a real outlaw?"

Sun Shoushan stated his displeasure with no care of their difference in strength, although he bootlick Chang Xing whenever he can, that was only because they belong to the same side. To other people however,he couldn't care less. They wouldn't show mercy even if he was nice anyway

With the same smile he replied " Little Shoushan, it's not your place to speak when adults are meeting. How about you let this older brother educate you a little?"

Chang Xing calmly stated with a slightly arrogant tone " What's there to educate? Didn't he state the obvious that you are an embarrassment to the identity you hold?"

Although Jen Liwei's smile didn't disappear,you can feel the mood change from his demeanour.

" Tsk tsk, Chang Zhang you shouldn't spoil…"

"Stop the nonsense! Do you want a fight or not?" He didn't feel like hearing more useless words, not to mention there are still shy guests to pay attention to.

" Humph! You are overreacting, our master sent us on a mission around this place. I'm not free enough to follow you "Jen Liwei was annoyed, he was cultivating in peace when Song Yinji told him to follow Chang Xing and use his judgement in case there is a need to sabotage them.He personally wanted nothing to do with 'Chang Zhang', they used to be equals, but in recent years his cultivation sky rocketed, completely suppressing him so he changed his attitude accordingly. Following the old law ' Never fight a losing battle unless you have no other choice'.

He was only confident because he isn't the only one who is going to bear the pressure. Thinking about that he looked to the side and said " Li Feng, do you want to join our little talk?"

Hearing 'Li Feng' the three junior brothers were shocked yet again, there are still more?

A young man walked out of the shadows, with his pale features and dark clothes an uncomfortable feeling spread out, it was like multitudes of eyes are watching their every movement.

After a few moments, it was apparent that he came alone. " I'm on a mission " is all that he said before standing silently with no intention to elaborate any further.

Chang Xing didn't bother saying anything more "Fine! If you guys are curious then come but if you die, I take no responsibility"

With that he turned and ventured into the valley,Followed by his three juniors.

Jen Liwei and his gang moved as well, if it was up to him, he would have brought more people but this was only an observation and sabotage mission so in order to not be seen as a threat because of the larger numbers he had to settle for these average helpers.

Old fogey! Just you wait, Your 'precious' first disciple will make sure to return.

Li Feng stayed far from the two groups, far enough that they couldn't see each other. His mission was simple; observe and make sure to not let Song Yingji's disciples succeed in case they tried to interfere.

He didn't know why his master made such an order even though they were in an alliance but he didn't care anyway, 'alliances were fragile as the contract' was a famous and clear message to everyone that an alliance means nothing in this world of Chaos.

Meanwhile Chang Xing is walking slowly at the front, listening to juniors blabber.

"Senior brother, is it okay to let them follow us like this?"

" So what if they follow? Li Feng and Jen Liwei can barely hold senior brother back, and the rest are trash. If they do something funny we will slaughter them before hel… assisting him" Sun Shoushan was full of conference towards his master's first disciple.

Although their faction only has 5 people, no one dares to offend them carelessly and it's not just because of their master strength and infamy but also because 'Chang Zhang' efforts to intimidate any potential threat.

Especially in the past couple of years, managing to surpass his three rivals even with age gap, showing his talent and hard work.

Chang Xing was silent for a moment before responding " It wasn't possible to move under their noses anyway. Not to mention we may need more hands to finish the job" the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Fu Shaoqinq and the rest gulped while thinking the same thing, dangerous!