Almost Died

The only choice is to fight huh?

His chances are 1 to 10000, not too bad if you consider people gamble with even worse odds.

Taking a deep breath, his senses become sharper than normal, catching minute details all around.

Maybe because of his reincarnation, his soul/spirit is stronger than average humans but unlike what one might think, this didn't give him any higher intellect or passive abilities.

His soul acts like any other normal one, but if you have a good tactic, practice every day, and have experience…this will be the result.

Everything seems to slow down, he can feel the red wolf glaring at him from the top of a carriage, ready to jump at the weak prey.

Cui Ling did another drop and roll movement to go under a ruined carriage, thus going back to the original side he was at.

It was barely three seconds but the man already lost an arm and was about to have his throat bitten off.

Not caring, he pushed himself up and ran to a tree, and jumped at the trunk. Right at that moment, the wolf pounced at him but landed on the ground.

Cui Ling used his momentum and extreme focus, he flipped backward reaching with two long and thick needles he brought from god knows where and stabbed the wolf's bloodshot eyes precisely at the moment when it reached the ground.

Letting out a pained cry, it tried to claw at the pry who dared to hurt it, but Cui long was faster as he already jumped off its back and started running.

From the beginning to now, only six seconds passed but his stamina was quite depleted.

Gritting his teeth, he kept his focus and fled for his life. He didn't think for a moment the beast would give up chasing him, not to mention his friend who is likely to join the hunt.

His weak physique began to fail him as started to run out of breath and had the splitting headache he was experiencing.

He didn't get far when he heard the angry wolves' howls from behind.

His mind reeled on how to survive this ordeal and just when crazy ideas emerged in his head, Cui Ling's eyes lit up.

He forcefully stopped and went and looked under a rubble of wood only to see a 10 years old looking girl fearfully looking back at him.

No greeting, he shouted " Quick! Two wolves are coming, they can smell you so hiding in there is stupid" he pulled her out successfully and wrapped his jacket over her with no explanation.

"WHAT are you doing?"

a middle-aged male came running, from the girl's joyful cry, he's the father.

Professionally changing to a scared and innocent face, he cried loudly "Uncle! She's injured"

The man was suspicious but his urgency stopped him from slowing down which cost him dearly.

Cui Ling silently took out a finger-sized blade and fluidly made two cuts, one for each thigh. Then continued his escape, not minding the heart-breaking cry.

Although the red wolf is blind, its nose is good enough to hunt him down, and to survive he needs a distraction. as for the moral barrier of sacrificing two innocent people….this was not an obstacle to him.

Sprinting for his life, he soon saw two familiar figures carefully moving forward and they also noticed him " brat! How did you get here?" The Nobel man from before was looking with both anger and incredulity at the kid three metres behind.

Cui Ling said with a frightened tone " I also want to go to that safe place"

Looking at each other, the duo swiftly decided it was not the time to question such a situation, but they have no intention to let him tag along. They are too close to the target for mistakes to happen.

Some may call them idiots for risking their lives based on the words of a kid but with their experience, they already had good enough information to know if what they heard about the carav is fake news.

But the most important reason was their nature, both of them fought to reach their current standing in society, every coin was earned from the sweat and tears that clouded the surrounding for them to focus on the desired life

How can they stay and wait for possible help when death is staring at them?

Stepping forward, the nobleman mustered his most friendly smile " kid, come! We will take you with us"

Thé smile was soon gone when Cui Ling said at the top of his lungs "Stay away"

After freezing for a second he tried to continue his act but was only met with more screaming "UNCLE! YOU SHOULD GO, I DON'T WANT TO BURDEN YOU"

"Shut up kid, do you want to kill us?" The nobleman was fuming with anger, he had taken a big risk leaving the original group to come here, and now when he was close to the target; this kid showed up out of nowhere trying to get him killed.

"Brother Li…" his companion shook his head slightly. The Nobel man understood they needed to go. During this short trip, the two discussed all the details of their decision, and from the back-chilling screams that kept reverberating in the forest; both were more confident that taking provocative steps forward is correct.

Taking a deep breath, he continued his way, not even bothering to give Cui Ling another look.

"Kid, you better behave"

Looking at the two adults moving away, Cui Ling smiled faintly ' Anyone normal wouldn't have listened to a child telling them to leave the comfort of the herd after a quick discussion but they did it '

At first, he thought he needed to try with a few people before having the desired effect but who knew it only takes one try?

This couldn't help but make him feel suspicious.

Cui Ling carefully followed them but made sure to keep an extra distance. He needs his full attention as the target is close, and strangely but fortunately, they reach it with no beast popping up to eat them for lunch.

The duo was thrilled as a funny smell invaded the nostrils, it wasn't disgusting but it was enough to make someone uncomfortable.

" Hahaha we did it"

The carriage was quite big, enough to accommodate dozens of people easily. and notably it was intact as if everyone it.

The door was locked firmly even with the full-grown man's strength against it. The Nobel man frowned " whoever is inside, if you don't open the door in ten seconds, you'll be burned alive with the carriage. Now 1…"



Sounds of heavy objects being pushed could be heard and the door was shortly opened.

An old man cautiously appeared from the slightly opened door that was kicked fully open by the irritated nobleman before entering, his friend right behind him.

Cui Ling was following suit when suddenly his anxiety from before returned.

What's happening?

He looked around for a few moments and right then he saw it, a man's silhouette walking out of the darkness of the forest while imitating a threatening aura. He couldn't make out his appearance because of the distance but he knew that whatever he needed, he could get it from that man.

It is as if the world is telling him.

" Hey! Kid, are you coming in or what?" The old man asked, ready to close the door shut.

Cui Ling switched between the door and the man, safety or potential? These two sides kept bouncing in his head but he soon made his decision.


"CHANG ZHANG! I swear I'll kill you"

Jen Liwei roared internally.

His spy and sabotage mission turned into a complete failure. The people he brought with him proved to be useless as they were the first to die.

Although he already assumed the worst could happen and made thorough preparations, death doors almost opened up for him.

After a few seconds of cursing 'Chang Zhang' and his master for almost sending him to the netherworld, he calmed down. Memories of what happened flashed through his head.

After entering the unknown valley, he was met with nothing but rocks and wild plants growing around. Slowly his nervousness decreased as he couldn't sense any signs of a powerful creature living here but he kept his guard up for any traps or tricks.

But who would have thought that the usually calm 'Chang Zhang' is going to provoke a disaster by stealing an earth dragon's treasure?

The earth dragon wasn't something even his master would dare to anger him with, one roar from it caused a large beast tide to form in no time, leading to this current situation.

"Damn it, I need to get back to my adobe before those righteous hypocrites find me"