finding the genie

The stone arch city soon prepared the great square to receive all 3 sects

although the city has its own "great" families, none dare to be respectful on this day, as the strongest people in that family are just a few foundation-level cultivators

Be it these noble families or the common folk, joining some great sect is the biggest chance to change your life.

More than 2,000 young people were already standing firm in the square waiting

Among them, there was one that stood out the most, Bai Linlin, a 16 year old girl with white skin and cold aura, she is the famous genius who appeared that all 3 sects would compete

at the age of 16 reached the peak of Qi refining

In addition, she also recently became famous for ending an engagement in a humiliating way, her former fiancé Wang Chen is the famous trash of the city who cannot cultivate

And among the 2 thousand youths, Wang Chen was at the bottom angrily looking at Bai LinLin, he promised that he would take revenge


Soon 5 giant bats posed in the square, it was the black earth sect's mount, the black earth sect master was a short middle-aged man with a strange mustache, Yu potian

Then came 5 huge beautiful white eagles, the flying sword sect arrived and in front was the sect leader, Ye Guchen

Finally, 5 purple chariots, drawn by winged horses, arrived at the Thunder Sect.

a pair of perfect white legs stepped out of the carriage, not only the youths looked but even the two sect heads looked

Qin Xueyin stepped out of the carriage, her huge breasts in her cleavage became the target of vision.

*ding... congrats, you made a young Qi refining dick excited, get 1 point*

*ding... congrats, you made a young Qi refining dick excited, get 1 point*

*ding... congrats, you made a young Qi refining dick excited, get 1 point*

*ding... congrats, you made a young Qi refining dick excited, get 1 point*

Non stop system warning sounds sounded

'um...young boys are so easy, they are my form of fortune' Qin Xueyin smiled

The 3 sect leaders walked to the center of the square, where 3 thrones were prepared

Yu Potian the short odd man, Ye Guchen a handsome young-looking man, and Qin Xueyin the city's greatest beauty

"Young leader Qin, you are getting more and more beautiful" Ye Guchen smiled and praised

"Thank you, you are also very handsome... you don't even look 400 years old" Qin Xueyin

Ye Guchen's beautiful face closed

Qin Xueyin wasted no time in feigning friendship, from her memories she knows that the Flying Sword Sect is the greatest threat to the Thunder Sect.

That's because the ancestors of these two sects hated each other and competed with each other, now that the Thunder Sect is without an ancestor, it's only a matter of time before the old monster of the Flying Sword Sect wants trouble.

Yu Potian beside him smiled, he didn't say anything just stared at Qin Xueyin's cleavage nonstop

Qin Xueyin smiled, she prefers Yu Potian because he is more sincere

*ding... congratulations, you left a hard-cock gold core level 7 cultivator, get 3 points*

Qin Xueyin then focused her attention on the young people and used her vision to try to find the genius, she had already seen Bai LinLin and although she had some talent it was not enough to be described as a genius by the system.

Soon she noticed a more isolated young man, he was extremely handsome and was looking at her breasts.

[name]: Wang Chen

[level]: 5 stage of qi refinement

[Physical]: Dragon's body. (5% active)

*ding, congrats on spotting the genius*

After confirming, Qin Xueyin silently sent a message to Ao feng to research Wang Chen's life and find the details.

Soon the competition would start, it was simple just a 1x1 fight until there were only 90 young people left, who would then be chosen by the 3 sects

*Ding...mission extra active; kind of boring competition, how about showing your panties to cheer up the young people? Rewards = Celestial Tier Sexy Battle Armor*

Qin Xueyin smiled, she accepted

Qin Xueyin uncrossed her legs and opened them slightly, her black panties were soon exposed for a while.

the system sounds went off, she started to gain a lot of points

In addition, he began to feel a huge hard-on, he increasingly liked to show off