
Mazelina walked hand-in-hand with Turk as he led her out of the territory that had been her home all her life. She was anxious about seeing his pack, especially after how those who had accompanied him had reacted to her.

Some of her packmates gathered around to say their last goodbyes. Some were teary-eyed while most were cheering her on. Only Josiah and another female seemed annoyed at her and her mate.

At the end of the crowd, she was met with Owain, whom she smiled and gave a slight bow. He held up his hand and said, "None of that, Mazelina. You're an alpha now too. No need to bow."

She blushed and Turk smirked down at her.

Owain also smiled and asked, "Turk, if you don't mind, I'd like to give your mate a little advice before you take her away."

Turk bowed his head, kissed Mazelina's cheek lightly, then went a few feet away to wait. Owain took Mazelina's hands and looked proudly into her eyes. "You've grown up so beautifully, Mazelina."

"Thank you, Alpha."

He lowered his voice so only she could hear. "I know you understand Turk is not who he says he is, but I still want you to think about everything that happens from here on out. Before you judge him too harshly, think about how he truly is versus how someone may want you to see."

She looked up into his eyes with a serious expression. "You're talking about his brother?"

He nodded. "If you meet him, protect Turk to the best of your ability. He will need it."

"What do you mean?"

Owain thought for a moment before answering. "Just trust him. Don't let him be seen as the terror. If possible, make his brother react."

She tilted her head. "Why do you care so much?"

"Turk is my friend. I would not ask this of just anyone. I would not ask this for just anyone. Mazelina, help Turk by using your bond with him. Don't ever let anyone tell you who he is. Use the bond to see that for yourself."

Mazelina glanced over at her mate who was standing menacingly near the border, watching her and the crowd around her. When their eyes met, his softened, his body relaxed just a bit, and he gave a soft smile. She turned back to Owain. "I will do my best, Alpha. But I don't have the strength like you or him. I'm not that powerful."

Owain put his hands on her shoulders and shook his head. "You don't need strength, my girl." He touched a finger to her chest. "You only need instinct and heart."

She smiled, nodding and hugging him. Before pulling away, she whispered, "Thank you."

He nodded once and let her go. Mazelina walked as steadily as she could towards Turk without running, unable to contain her happiness that there was someone else who understood her mate as he is.

Turk held out his hand and she took it, not waiting for him to pull her close. Instead, she nearly jumped to hug him, surprising him a little with her sudden movement. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her stiffly. She whispered, "I am ready to go home with you."

Instantly, he relaxed. Setting her down on her feet, he looked down at her with curious grey eyes. "What did Owain say to you?"

"Just what I needed to know this is where I belong," she replied.

Turk grunted, not fully understanding what that meant, but Mazelina didn't want him to know just yet.

She kept her hand in his as Turk turned and walked up to a black car with very dark windows. It was unlike the one Josiah had vandalized. This was sleek and elegant. Mazelina knew she would be riding in style and blushed deeply as her mate opened the passenger door for her. She got in, afraid to touch anything, but Turk bent beside and said, "Don't worry too much about damaging anything, Lina. There will be plenty more things to see that will be more expensive than this."

She nodded, feeling a bit dumbfounded with his property. He stood and closed the door. Mazelina put her seatbelt on as he went around to his side and got in. Turk buckled himself in and started the engine which roared to life with a rumble. Mazelina sat stiffly back in her seat, unsure where to hold on.

Turk glanced at her. "I won't be racing, Lina. With you, I will be going the speed limit."

Her eyes went wide. "You race?"

He chuckled. "Not professionally. Just with pack."

Turk steered the car from the pack territory and onto the highway, where he did as promised and only went the speed limit or lower. She began to relax, getting comfortable as trees sped past.

Her heart felt like it could beat out of her chest while butterflies fluttered in her stomach. It was finally happening. She was going home with her mate, her mate who would protect her and cherish her with everything he had. Mazelina knew he would, too. She didn't need Owain telling her he wouldn't. She knew Turk would protect her. She felt it. Maybe it was instinct or maybe it was the bond Owain was talking about, but she felt it. She didn't know how, but she did.

Hours passed in silence which Mazelina was comfortable with as she was fascinated with the changing lands and life around them. They went from forests to grasslands, to forests again. She felt Turk's eyes flick to her now and then, but he didn't say anything. Mazelina had hardly been out of the pack to explore and go sightseeing. While she always wanted to, she never felt the need to do so unlike some of the others. She had been content to wait. Now, she wanted to go everywhere around the world. She wanted to see far away lands of snow and ice, or tropical forests and beaches. She truly didn't care. She just wanted to explore.

Time passed, and Mazelina fell asleep as the sun reached its peak, then started down to the horizon again. When the sun was just setting, he came up to the first obstacle territory of many. Slowing, he came to a stop in front of ten males with their arms crossed and eyes narrowed on his vehicle.

Mazelina woke and glanced around, seeing who stood in the way then glancing at Turk. "Where are we?"

"Owain's Northern neighbors, Darkridge Pack." He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out without another word.

Mazelina thought he was just going to leave her there, but then her door opened and he bent down to her. "What are we doing?" she asked anxiously.

He gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Lina. We're stopping here for the night as a way of placating the Alpha here. He will provide food and soft beds, as well as a possible party in our favor."

She got out and took his hand. Turk led her up to the ferocious males and stopped to sling an arm about her waist. A few moments later, Rudi and the others came up behind her and Turk, also looking like a fight may break out at any moment.

The males before them turned and began to walk down a path. Turk waited for three of his packmates to go ahead, then tugged her with him.

"Why are you all ready to throw fists?" she hissed to him.

He bent his head down to answer. "For the same reason, your friend ruined my property."

She gasped and looked up at him. "Why don't you tell them?"

"Do you really think they'll believe a word I say?" he asked with a low growl.


"Lina, just stay beside me and nothing will happen. As long as you're safe, I will not be tempted to do anything rash."

"What do you mean?"

"I will tell you when we're alone," he said as they stopped in a clearing with many people surrounding them. Mazelina wasn't so shocked now to see many of these people were also glaring at her mate. Some were even holding knives or guns.

This was not right! Why were they looking at him like he was some feral beast? He was just the same as the rest of them.

She bared her teeth at the nearest person. They bowed their heads in submission and stepped back. This reaction was not what she was expecting, but she was glad for it. Mazelina growled and glared at others who did the same. Soon, it went very quiet and she realized Turk and his companions were looking at her with surprise while the pack around them had put away their weapons and were bowing their heads. All except one, who was glaring at her with menace.

Mazelina stepped back behind Turk a little and bowed her own head.

A growl sounded and she flinched.

"Do not EVER bow your head to another alpha!" Turk growled lowly at her.

Mazelina flinched again, unable to lift her head.