Garden Of Eden - [ Chapter - 36 ]

So Ho-Seok was the one who would go to Aphrodite and ask for the pearls himself since Pisces couldn't just ask for it herself and so that was the reason why she needed Ho-Seok to get it for her instead.

But the reason why it was more valuable than the body parts of Cthulhu or Kthanid was that Aphrodite had many people who were in love with her and they would kill someone just for her pearls to keep.

Even Gods and Goddesses know they can't take one of her pearls without makeing a few strong people their enemies and what's more Ho-Seok wasn't a God and so he was definitely weaker than them and they feared of taking the pearls themselves.

So Pisces gave him an advanced payment by giving him the left eye of Cthulhu, you might think how would the true sight ability help Ho-Seok from those crazy people who want the pearls for themselves when the ability could only check stats and stuff.

The ability's true power would be unlocked when it was fully put together and so then Ho-Seok started absorbing the left eye and after he did his sight was now even more incredible and he was sensitive to everything around him.

Pisces knew what the complete true sight ability's power could do and so she tested it by throwing a some razor blades of water towards Ho-Seok while he wasn't looking and it looked like Ho-Seok was already hit with the blades.

Even though she was just creating it and then he shouted, "You were going to throw those at me weren't you?!?!", then she chuckled and said "I just wanted to test out the foresight ability with you now.".

Yeah, the power in the ability was foresight, Ho-Seok could see one minute into the future using his stamina but if he died in that span the ability would immediately tell him how he was going to die without him thinking of using it.

So then Pisces who was giggling asked, "So are you going to go now?" then Ho-Seok smiled and said "Yeah and you better prepare that reward well." so then he went to the hidden area on the first floor.

There were loads of hidden areas in the tower most of them were created by Gods, Goddesses, Demons and Administrators but there were some that were created by races and the area he was going to was created by a merciful God.

He who has no name, the place he was going to was called, "Garden Of Eden", that's where many Gods and Goddesses visit since it was a majestic place where it was truly beautiful and one with nature.

And Aphrodite loved the peace and quiet there so she stayed there often whenever she could and Ho-Seok was going to go there to get a pearl from her and Ho-Seok knew this since NewsTower was the one who gave this information.

This was never told before but NewsTower the person was actually blessed by multiple Gods and Goddesses for his ability to gain information and learning capabilities and all the God's and Goddesses' were connected to knowledge and wisdom.

There were the four main Gods and Goddesses, Minerva the Roman Goddess Of Wisdom, Daskalos the Greek God Of Education, Thoth the Egyptian God Of Wisdom, Athena the Greek Goddess Of Wisdom.

They blessed NewsTower to hold information that should've only be known by the Gods and other supreme beings but he was blessed with also another ability it was the ability to know something was true or not.

So this allows NewsTower to hold information that he knew was true even without talking to someone and this ability was called "The Final Truth" so it was a really useful ability for him who seeked knowledge.

Then so Ho-Seok started going down all the floors until he reached the first floor and then he went to a well known well in the capital city of the first floor it was known as the "Wishing Well".

It was named like that since if you threw something valuable to you there is chance for your wish to be granted but it was actually not a chance but only people with 90%+ Pure Levels could wish.

That was why when it was found out big guilds started gathering people who have high levels of pureness and using them to make a wish but people who had a 100% pure level were able to allow people to make a wish themselves.

So those people were called Saints and Saintess, they were also most likely to be blessed by God's since people who had a high level of pureness could be soothing to a God's aura and could even strengthen it.

But Ho-Seok definitely had no chance of being pure by how many people he has killed and he has even committed suicide and that is an act looked down upon by the Gods calling it a Cowardice way to leave a battle.

Ho-Seok tried anyway giving the fountain a drop of his blood since the most thing valuable to a person would be their health so then Ho-Seok started to walk away and look for someone to use as a wish making machine.

But then the wishing well started glowing, Ho-Seok was surprised and was shocked to find out that he has a high purity level since he never tested it before since the tests were so expensive in his first life.

The wishing well had only three rules have a high purity level, doesn't go against any Gods or Goddess and it doesn't harm another person directly and Ho-Seok's wish fitted it perfectly.

It was that he would go to the Garden Of Eden and so he was immediately teleported to one of the most beautiful places he had ever seen and Ho-Seok looked around and saw a few Gods and Goddesses at the garden.


Author: 『Thanks for reading this chapter and if you did enjoy maybe add it to your library since were nearly to 200 collections but it's okay if you don't but I still hope that you guys enjoyed todays chapter and enjoying the series up until now, thanks again!』

Editor: 『...』