Royal Darkness

chapter 2

the King discuss with his elder about his son and they all agreed to help him and just as planned the queen traveled out of the kingdom along with 20 maids and 100 guards to the glass island ,Morgan took care of the prince just as planned and the queen always visite them from time to time . when ever she comes she will pick up her little Kyle and place him on her thigh and she will sing lots of melodious songs for him .

she hired intelligent teachers to teach Kyle how to read and write , how to play keyboard and also flutes but things started changing when Kyle turn 10 .he became dark and will rather prefer staying in his chamber , he killed 2 of his teachers intentionally and pushed a maid into a fire heater for fun . when heard of this she refuse to believe so she come for a visit unannounced and there she saw with her eyes as her 12 year old son drove a dagger into his teacher neck .

when the king heard of the young prince horrific acts he restricted his wife from ever visiting the glass island leaving Morgan there with the prince and other maids and guards . as years go bye the prince grew worst and and the guards and maids in the glass island mansion were all killed one after he other by the prince but few had managed to escape his terror.

the queen soon put to birth again but this time a girl by name princess Matilda when the king love with everything he has ..

********present day *******

Morgan and Justus stood in front of the king and queen who were seated on their glorious thrones .Justus is a paranormal researcher who deals with the impossible ,he is assigned to find solution to the prince curse and how to break it .

"it's been 25 years Justus tell me you have gotten something for me "queen Emma said but Justus sigh sadly as he shook his head

" the last observation on the prince i discover his eye balls are now gold yellow which means the curse has gotten to the third stage .the curse is divided into 4 stages

at stage 1 the bearer of the mark feels extreme darkness around him or her ,he won't be able to differentiate between day and night because night and day to him is the same .

in stage 2 the bearer subconscious becomes a leaving being which he can interact with and this negative being has negative influence on the bearer mentally and physically,it could make him do bad things with out feeling any remorse.

at stage 3 the bearer heart darkens to the extent he can hurt anyone and everyone with out looking back and he can also hurt himself and in this state the bearer starts loosing his sanity ,he becomes extremely strong fast and very deadly .

at stage 4 the bearer goes totally insane and his body works base on the principal of the chaos curse which is to bring havoc to the world and at the final stage the bearer lust blood and won't be redeemable."Justus explain

" why don't we just put an end to his life at this stage " the king said and his wife shot him a hard glare

" my queen I have been with the prince for 25 years and I have noticed his attitude and how evil he has become over this year's just like Justus has said I noticed prince Kyle always talks t himself like he's having a conversation with someone whom we can't see but he sees this person .when he almost strangled me to dead he said something like

*let me be get away from me *he said to himself then he let go of my neck and started humming a song to himself "Morgan said

" what song "the king ask and Morgan smile and turn to the queen

"I remember you use to sing a little sleeping flower ,a song written by you my queen .your son got too attached to this song that it becames the only thing that helps calm him down .he always loved it when you come to visit him,

I can remember how happy he use to be when ever to tell him you're coming to visit us "Morgan said and queen smile sadly and she quickly wipe the little tears which was about to drop from he eyes

"are you alright " the king ask with a funny look

"yes I am or where you expecting me not to be " she snapped

"I just asked a question as a caring husband" he muttered

"Justus please help me am begging you ,am ready pay any amount just to get any clue on how to safe my son "she said

" don't worry my queen I will try best, I will try to help him "he said and bow before leaving

" when will you return to island "the queen ask Morgan

" in 2 days time my queen ,I have to stay with my family at least for a while "she said and queen nodded

" no problem Morgan thank you for all your help " the queen said and Morgan nodded

" I will take my leave now " she said and bowed before leaving as soon as she did princess Matilda walked in with head up high in so much pride .

"mother father I greet you " she bowed and both her parents smile most especially the king .

" my angel where are you going dressed so fabulous " the king ask

Matilda giggled while the queen rolled her eyes

" umm I wanna visit the uptown so I came here to inform you guys " she said calmly "Matilda you're a princes and going out all the time is dangerous for you "the queen said but princess Matilda groan

" oh c'mon mom it's not that bad am taking my guards and maids with me so you don't have to worry " she said hoping her mother won't spoil her opportunity to visit her friends. "leave her be my love she's a grown up lady now,she can handle herself "he king said but the queen hissed " what ever "she muttered

"so am I allowed to go " the princess ask with a puppy eyes as she stared at her father who smile and nodded a yes

"yeah thanks, love you 2 " she squealed and peak their cheeks before leaving ..

the queen watch as she ran out and she couldn't help but wonder if Kyle was here how would his life look like ,she misses her little boy so badly that she would always cry at night when ever she thinks him ...

***uptown market ****

a young girl walked through the market place dressed on a green and purple gown ,she wore a crown made from flowers and veins .

"oh my beautiful Erica here take this " a lady said and gave Erica a cup of sugar

" here Erica take this and wish me luck for today market " a seller said giving Erica a beautiful body cream .

"here it's charm she's here wow ,she looks even more beautiful "

" gush how can a human be this beautiful ,her skin is like gold "

" ahhhh I wish Mr Lee will give her to me ,I wanna marry her "

all the market traders circled around Erica and each and everyone of them gave her gift and also shower here with praises .

well for the record Erica is the only daughter of Mr Leonard but popularly known as Mr Lee a farmer who runs a life stock farm .

Erica is popularly known as charm because she is believe to carry good luck with her and anyone who give her anything will gain double but anyone who curse her will receive 10 times more curses . many hates her and calls her a witch but no she isn't a witch she's just weird in her own ways .

Milo, Elena and Agatha were playing board games when they sighted Erica coming toward them with a basket full with gifts which she had acquired from the market .

"here comes the good luck girl " Elena spat sarcastically with an eye roll while Milo and Agatha shot her a glare

"hey guys " Erica said smiling

"woa seem you went for free shopping " Milo said laughing and Erica giggled

"yeah c'mon guys pick what ever you like " she said and Agatha giggled and jump up while Elena glare secretly at Erica who was smiling as Milo and Agatha search the basket for what is useful to them as when Erica noticed Elena wasn't moved she turn to her

"hey Ellie why don't you come have this , I got it personally for you " Erica said showing off a beautiful diamond wristlet at the sight of the wristlet Agatha and Milo gasp

"oh my God it's beautiful " Agatha said wanting to snatch it from Erica but she quickly hide it behind her back and Agatha frown playfully

"give to me I want it please " Agatha said

"nope it's for Elena "Erica said and Agatha hissed and turn to Elena who wasn't moved by all this

"hey Elena have it " she said stretching it over to Elena

"I don't need it " Elena snapped and Erica sigh knowing full well Elena is stubborn so she came to her and held out Elena hand to wear the wristlet on her wrist .

"I said I don't need your gift " Elena yelled and push Erica and she fell down

" Elena " Milo and Agatha yelled and ran to Erica who stared at Elena shocked ,tears circled her eyes immediately as she stared at Elena who was now on her feet .

"w.. w.. why d.. don't .. y.. you want it " Erica stammered an Elena rolled her eyes

" because I don't take things from witches " she spat an this sounded like a loud clap in Erica's ears and she couldn't help but scoff amused by her childhood friend words .

"why will you say such to our friend huh Elena , Erica isn't a witch " Agatha yelled

" yes she is she's too pretty to be humans and she gain the attention of everyone including women and men . it's a her witch power she's using it to ... " Elena was still saying when Agatha slap her and she gasp and angrily charged forward to fight Agatha but Milo was fast to push Agatha away and stepped in between .

"enough Elena I think it's best if you go home because it seem you have finally air out your jealousy "Milo flared and Elena flinched , she felt hurt as the guy she had always love in secret yell at her all because of one person .

"are you alright Erica " Milo said to Erica who sniff and and nodded innocently with a sad smile . "y.. yes " Erica responded but her voice came out extremely low .. Milo carried her in a bridal style and walk away

Agatha shot Elena one hard glare "I thought you were better up than this Elena " Agatha spat before leaving her too ,

" ahhhhhhh , Erica this Erica that why most it be always her "Elena yelled as she watch them laugh and their giggled was also heard even though they were already far off ...