CH 03 ~ Argument

As Eleanora entered the main palace, she made her way to her office to complete some pending reports. Around her, whispers filled the air, but she paid them no mind, maintaining her typically impassive demeanor.

"Take a deep breath... they can't affect me."

"I've done nothing wrong."

"Their stares are meaningless..."

These were the mantras Eleanora silently repeated to herself as she proceeded to the study room.

With each step, her heart raced with unease, and the notion that everyone might be regarding her with pity was revolting to her.

Yet, for the moment, she was powerless to change their perceptions.

Work alone could distract her mind and bring her peace. She would not dwell on anything else if she were occupied... yet his voice continued to echo in her ears.

He had announced the pregnancy of that woman with such pride, and the people had rejoiced for the new heir to the empire.

She, despite being his lawful wife and the Empress, was disregarded by that woman.


At the sudden call, Eleanora halted, her expression turning to a frown.

Her jewel-blue eyes narrowed in annoyance; in this entire empire, no one but the emperor had the right to address her by her name.

Even her father referred to her with the utmost respect.

Eleanora turned her head slowly to see a girl with light blonde hair and caramel eyes waving at her from the end of the hall.

She appeared to be emerging from the emperor's bedroom, a place forbidden to the empress.

The mere thought of that woman with the Emperor, where she herself had wept in solitude, filled her with rage, and she clenched her fists tightly.

'What is it that she desires now?'

'To take my title as Empress?'

'She has already taken everything from me; perhaps I should just hand that over as well.'

Annoyed, Eleanora decided to ignore her and continued walking to her office. Her pregnancy was influencing her mood, and she had no desire to engage with that woman at the moment.

"Eleanora, wait!"

Jena's voice followed her again, prompting Eleanora to sigh deeply and roll her eyes. She was the last person Eleanora wished to encounter.

'Why is she intent on rubbing salt in the wound before I've even had the chance to fully consider my next steps?'

'Do they expect me to shower her child with love and welcome them by stretching out my arms?'

But quickly, she regained her composure when Jena seized her wrist, compelling her to whirl around. Eleanora's frown deepened at the contact as she pulled her hands away with force.


'How dare she lay hands on me?'

'I remain the empress, even if she bears the heir!'

Without realizing, Eleanora released her frosty magical aura, causing Jena to recoil.

Her caramel-brown eyes widened in shock as she fell to her knees, and Eleanora regarded her with a puzzled expression.

"Was my aura that dominating?"

"No, it shouldn't be..."

Eleanora kept her gaze fixed on the woman standing before her, who was a few inches taller and appeared to be on the brink of tears, starting to whimper as she spoke.

"Empress, please forgive me!"

"I didn't want it to end up like this."

Upon hearing her words, Eleanora was momentarily dumbfounded before she felt an urge to laugh in disgust.

This woman was always the same.

At first, she called the empress by her name when they were alone, and then switched to a respectful address as people began to gather.

"He is the emperor, how could I refuse him?"

Jena's voice broke as tears streamed down her face, rendering her pitiful in the eyes of the onlookers who whispered among themselves.

"I never intended for things to escalate this far, but I couldn't resist falling for him as well."

"I cherish this empire as dearly as you do. Please, harbor no hatred towards me or this child..."

Jena placed a hand on her abdomen lovingly as she plead, while Eleanora fought to suppress her desire to speak up.

Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, overwhelming her senses with the urge to draw her sword and end the drama.

The audacity of this woman, to play the victim before the empress, was astounding.

Not Eleanora, who had endured and toiled for years, even before their marriage,

Not Eleanora, who had forsaken all to remain by the emperor's side, only to be met with his indifference.

'Does she dare seek my sympathy with her tears now?'

As the eldest daughter of the Duke, Eleanora was the expected choice for empress, her betrothal foretold by prophecy.

She was destined to be his other half from birth.

Long before their formal engagement, Eleanora had been groomed for the role of empress.

She had relinquished her liberty for his sake.

Her aspiration was to govern her duchy from the chief seat in her father's council chamber.

To Eleanora, Jena was a nothing but a fling that everyone said would end once the emperor became bored.

But it never happened.

Typically, Eleanora would have disregarded her.

She would have cast a piercing glance and spoken terse words before departing to maintain harmony.

But not on this day...

Not on the day when she had destroyed the last of Eleanora's hopes to remain with the emperor.

As anger overwhelmed her, Eleanora's voice resonated with command.

"Compose yourself and recognize your station! Your humble origins will remain unchanged, even if you ascend to the queen position!"

Eleanora lashed out, releasing her icy magical aura, prompting gasps of fear from everyone.

"Did you really expect my sympathy? My consolation? My congratulations?"

"What were you aiming for by approaching me now, huh?"

"Did you intend to flaunt your pregnancy with my husband in my face?"

Eleanora sensed the stares as the palace maids congregated to witness the confrontation.

Their faces showed a blend of emotions—sadness, anger, and pity.

It was unclear whether their sentiments were directed at her or Jena.

Eleanora gazed down with disdain as Jena erupted into heavy sobs, yet she remained unmoved to offer assistance.

"Your Majesty, please watch your words!"

A maid among the onlookers cried out, rushing to comfort Jena, causing Eleanora's expression to turn grim.

Now, even a maid dares to talk back at her!

Following her, Marquise Brayden Hill, the emperor's aide, approached to help Jena, his face etched with concern.

His violet eyes met Eleanora's with intense loathing, but she returned his gaze with indifference.

"She is with child, Your Majesty! How can you utter such dreadful words to her when her intentions were to seek reconciliation?"

Sir Brayden spoke with anger, and Eleanora responded by raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

Despite her higher status, he dared to address her so boldly.

"And… who do you think you are to speak to me in such a manner, Marquis Hill?"

Eleanora's voice carried a deep, intimidating tone, and he could only look down, at a loss for words.

She restrained herself from lashing out further; it was already sufficient.

Sir Brayden and the maids comforted Jena as she continued to apologize to Eleanora.

It was at this moment that Eleanora recognized she had been cast as the villain.

Pain gripped her heart as she realized no one was on her side, viewing her as the wrongdoer.

Feeling the weight of this burden, Eleanora turned to exit the main palace without her reports, yet she held her head high.

'The Daltons will never bow down!'

In her mind, she commanded authority, and all were compelled to bow before her, for she remained the Empress.

Respect was still due to her, even if they didn't wished to do so.

Her conduct was typically impeccable, befitting her status as an empress.

However, this time, Jena had irritated her.

Eleanora hastened her pace as she departed the main Palace and made her way to her private mansion.

There, she resided alone, save for the company of her palace attendant Rena and her personal maid, Maria.

The only ones granted entry to this domain were her maids and the emperor, should he choose to visit. Yet, he had not set foot here since he dispatched an attendant with the directive for her relocation.

The moment she reached the bedroom, Eleanora tossed herself on the bed as she finally let out her tears of disappointment.

"Why is this happening to me?"

"What have I done wrong?"

Eleanora mumbled through her sobs as the door creaked open and an elderly woman entered the room.

"Your Majesty…"

Rena stood at the threshold of the bedroom, her expression laden with sorrow.

As Eleanora heard her voice, the tears she had been fighting spilled over, and Rena quickly enveloped her in a tight embrace.

"Shush... it's okay, Your Majesty."

Eleanora wept softly in Rena's arms, clinging to her as though clinging to life itself.

Rena, an older woman, had been like a mother to Eleanora since she ascended to the throne as Empress.

Her biological mother had died protecting her in an assassination attempt when she was just six years old.

"Be calm, Empress,"

Rena murmured, gently stroking Eleanora's lustrous silver hair, yet the tears continued to flow.

Initially, Eleanora felt her world crumbling upon hearing the emperor's words, but she was actually deeply disappointed.

How had it never occurred to her that if he could openly keep that woman so close, he might also have touched her?

Why did she expect loyalty from him when his betrayal was so blatant?

Her naivety was profound.

She was kissed by his lips, which had kissed another woman, 

Touched by his hands, which had touched another woman, 

Eleanora felt disgusted with her own body now,

"I can't endure this any longer,"

"I long to escape this place, Rena..."

Eleanora whispered into Rena's chest, and the comforting hands in her hair paused.

"What are you even saying, Your Majesty?!"

Rena exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and Eleanora shook her head.

"I have nothing left to give... I am weary now."

Her encounter with Jena had only reinforced her belief that departing was the right choice.

'No one requires my presence here anymore...'

'I cannot bear the thought of losing my child once more...'

Memories of the faces that had surrounded her during the confrontation with Jena swarmed Eleanora's mind.

She was certain now that their sympathies lay with Jena, not her; this was particularly true when she recalled Brayden's hateful gaze, which once brimmed with admiration.

Their affection for her had vanished.

Furthermore, she could no longer endure his betrayals. She had devoted everything to him, yet he failed to offer her the respect and honesty she deserved in their relationship.

'I can't hold onto someone who doesn't want to be mine'

The celebration of Jena's pregnancy, following a previous tragic loss, was an eye-opener.

No one had celebrated the announcement of her child nor mourned their untimely passing.

Eleanora harbored suspicions of being poisoned, yet the perpetrator and method eluded her.

"No, I can't endanger this child any longer because of them... I must leave to ensure his safety,"

She resolved and shook her head, withdrawing from Rena's concerned gaze.

"Do you truly wish to depart from this palace, Your Majesty?"

Rena inquired and Eleanora nodded, convinced that leaving was essential for her child's survival and a fresh start.

"I am resolute, Rena. This decision is for the best of all,"

Eleanora affirmed in a low voice and Rena stood still before her with a sad face.

"I have devoted my life to the empire, to the emperor; now, I must do this for myself."

"I suppose I too deserve a chance at happiness and to be loved in return."

A clear flash of disappointment crossed her face as she concluded her speech.

Rena was about to speak when suddenly the door burst open, startling everyone to their core.

Eleanora inhaled sharply and whipped her head around to face the unexpected intruder. There was only one person bold enough to enter her chamber in such a manner.

Those familiar, blood-red eyes met hers once more, brimming with hatred and fury.




He had come to her palace for the first and final time...