CH 09 ~ Regret

'How I wish you had said this to the six year old Eleanora, who was blaming herself because of her mother's death and needed you beside her at that time…'

'Maybe she wouldn't become depress and hold onto that man for fill up the lack of her father's love and face her doom now;'

Eleanora silently thought before she took steps towards the exit of the prison cell, where Alexander kept staring at her thin figure till he could no longer see her.

He let himself fall on the ground with his head resting on his palm, as his hand was bent on his knees.

'Please, God… I beg you, Spare my daughter this time.'

'She and her child is innocent, show some mercy on her God…'

'She is the child of the prophecy, blessed by the goddess how can you let this happen to her?'

Alexander prayed but his heart already knew the outcome and he punched the ground with all his might.

Causing the floor to have a deep crack as he bent down till his head touched the ground and tears wet his face.

'I am sorry, Elee… I am sorry…'

'It's all is my fault…'

'Only if I could get another chance;'

Meanwhile, Sir Charles led Eleanora towards the trial ground with heavy steps.

Her eyes burned so much from the tears she had shed that her vision blurred, but she still managed to walk somewhat steadily.

She had agreed to not make it harder for Sir Charles to take her to the trial grounds and she owed him so much for those short moments he had given her to meet Alexander one last time.

They walk the rest of the way in silence and without protest.

"Only if you didn't marry that bastard and nothing like this would happen. Only if he wasn't our emperor, the knights of the third squadron would tear him apart."

Charles said as he clenched his fist tightly and Eleanora smiled bitterly.

Hearing his words made her somehow shocked and happy.

'So there is a still person who loves me, trust me.'

'Why did I never saw this before?'

'Why did I only realize it now?'

'If only I didn't love him.'

'I abandoned them, my knight squadron and commander position to become the empress, I tried to please the people who have turned their back against me now.'

'Maybe this was my punishment for not cherishing the people who was always with me for a man who never looked at me with gentleness.'

"Thank you… for trusting me, Sir Charles."

This is the only thing Eleanora could say to him, with her cracking voice with pain.

"We all trust you; and you will forever be our only Empress and commander in our heart."

Sir Charles replied and Eleanora felt even guiltier.

They loved and trusted her so much and yet all she could give him was a smile with tears.

Soon, they reached the trial grounds.

Eleanora's tired blue eyes scanned over the trial ground, and it was immediately clear that every noble family was present.

Their eyes were all filled with malice, sorrow, hurt, and sadness as they parted to let them walk through the gathering, some spitting or cursing at Eleanora as they walked in.

Inside she could see a few key figures.

The emperor stood on the highest podium and was dressed handsomely with his traditional Emperor crown on his head, talking with Duke Raven.

Looking at him now, Eleanora felt weird.

Like she was seeing a stranger, not the man she loved till a few weeks ago.

She remembered how not too long ago butterflies would have filled her tummy and her heart would have raced just by seeing him.

But now there was nothing except fear;

Fear that he would end up executing her today.

Fear he would hurt her one final time along with their baby.

Then her eyes fall on a weak looking petite girl with blonde hair, sitting in a chair to the right of the emperor.

'The empress's seat…'

Which once belonged to Eleanora; but now, this will belong to this girl.

If it was the past Eleanora, she would immediately burst into anger for Jena sitting there but now she couldn't.

She couldn't care about her former position anymore, when her life is at stake.

'I never had asked for it anyway, but why do I still feel hurt?'

What Eleanora wanted was his love.

Perhaps not him…

She wanted to be loved by the man she loved with her whole heart and sincerity.

Not the empress seat or the crown, she wanted to be recognized by him as his wife.

Suddenly rage filled Eleanora's heart.

She did so much for this people but they never paid her back in kind.

'It would take this empire descending in power to nothing before they realized their mistake.'

'This blonde is no gentle in heart.'

The family head's sat in a semi-circle around the emperor and Jena, Where the emperor's aid Marquis Brayden Hill stood beside him.

Duke Raven was sitting right after Jena, with a wide grin on his face.

This was originally, Eleanora's father, Duke Alexander De Xavier Dalton's seat.

Eleanora wasn't surprised to see Duke Raven grinning, since he was always a rival of their duchy.

The empire needed another strong power to replace the Dalton duchy.

And Duke Raven took that opportunity perfectly.

She doesn't know much as she didn't have any information's about what happened after her imprisonment.

'You stupid Eleanora… He loved her so much that, he took down our duchy that was established since the founding of this empire.'

'The long history of our duchy, our pride, fame, everything has become dust now, just because of my love for him.'

Seeing Jena and Duke Raven together, the more she looks at them, the more they look familiar.

Even his own son, Cedrick De Evan Raven was not so similar to him even after having his light blonde hair and green eyes.

Jena had caramel brown eyes and her hair was not the same light blonde like the duke.

But the more she noticed the more familiar she found her to be with the duke.

Especially her face looked more and more like the duke.

'Why did I never notice this before?'

As she walked closer to the wooden box, prepared for the criminals; Young Duke Cedrick looked at Eleanora with sorrowful eyes, which was full of guilt.

And she was surprised because of this.

They had never really been close, but then again she had never really had the opportunity to get close to anyone growing up.

'Maybe this is why no one is coming forward to help me either…'

A large oak stump lay before the podium.

Eleanora felt like her legs going numb with fear as she knew what this was for. They seem too determined about her being guilty.

She had seen it used only a couple of times but it was enough to bring nightmares.

This was where the guilty would lay their heads to be executed, a large ceremonial broadsword doing the honors.

'Sorry baby, Mommy might not be able to save us today.'

Eleanora gulped with fear and her stomach ache as the baby in her belly kicked her hard.

But as the pain came too suddenly and the pain was also intense, she failed to keep her balance as her hands were handcuffed.

She fall down on my knees and sighed as, fortunately she didn't fall on her stomach.

But to her surprise, everyone was cursing her, saying a sinner like her deserved it.

Eleanora ignored those loud voices as she stood up by holding the cells of the wooden box.

Her body was already shivering because of the cold wind, as ice mana flowed through her bloods.

This keeps her body colder than normal people's.

She was only wearing a thin white dress shabby dress as her previous clothes having been taken off from her not long after being locked up.

Everyone cheered seeing her current state and Eleanora sneered.

They were the same people who kissed her feet to gain profits.

"It looks like everyone is here now,"

The emperor said, projecting into the crowd.

His eyes scanned over the faces of everyone around before finally landing on Eleanora, who didn't even bother to look at him.

"Today we are gathered here today to bear witness to the trial of Lady Dalton, former empress of our empire."

The emperor spoke and Eleanora clenched the hem of dress.

Even if she looked normal, but she couldn't breathe, she was scared…

What if he kills her today?