
Eleanora's pov ~

I was now a very big target for assassination if the Emperor felt I was a threat. I would probably be found dead by mysterious causes and the case would eventually go cold.

I won't even know how i died.

Wherever I went, no matter how far, I was now the only current living human with the most divine and holy power.

Even if they don't kill me, they might lock me up for my healing powers, as a test subject.

Escaping from the empire would be impossible as I would be dragged back immediately.

Regardless of how much I might try to hide, I would now be recognised all over the empire.

"Yes, I am aware, Your Majesty,"

I replied.

"Then what is your thoughts about your future? You should probably start to take up the empress lessons soon."

I bit my lip. It was a heavy question that was just to know about my thoughts but I wanted to answer truthfully.

"Your Majesty, in all honesty, I do not wish to become empress, I am not fitted for that position,"