CH 33 ~ Border Inception

Eleanora's pov ~

After finishing my bath, i fall asleep as soon as i closed my eyes.

It's been three days since i returned from the imperial palace.

Is the Imperial Palace different from other places?

Every time i returned from the palace, I barely left my sickbed.

I still felt heavy, though I felt much better.

Then i got to know about the sudden visit of Marquise Derrick Rosalie and Duke Kieran Hertz.

Marquis Rosalie had light blue colored hair with yellowish orange eyes, where Duke Hertz had Dark purple hair with gray eyes.

As if they were in rush, they came into our house directly even before the butler could ask them about their purpose of visiting or inform my father about it.

Thus, I went to greet them with curiosity and my father made me sit beside him.

But why are they so silent?

After feeling like it has been ages, Duke Hertz broke the silence as he cleared his throat before speaking while sipping the tea.