"Looking Forward To Meet Him Again"

Eleanora's POV ~

People were confused by my sudden appearance. If this was a play, it would be accurate to say that the audience suddenly stormed in.

My lovely entertainment seeker Jennie would have loved this situation. I closed my eyes shut for a moment, then opened them.

"Stop scaring the child… it was your fault to ride your carriage so fast." I said and the man just stare at me blankly.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you to speak so rudely to a lady?"

Tomato stew, who was standing behind the man speaking informally, replied with an unusual stern face.

A chill filled his voice.

Seeing that cold look, the man who had been wielding his cane proudly until just now, flinched.

I grabbed the end of the tomato stew boy's clothes as he approached the man in anger.

'No, not you.'

The boy with blue eyes like my fake appearence, who was looking down at my hands, which was holding his clothes, took a step back.

Judging by his clothes, he seemed to be a merchant.