"Royal Guards"

Eleanora's POV ~

The blonde tomato stew guy helped me to hire a wagon and accompanied me.

Although i wanted to refuse the idea because he may know my real identity if i do so, but soon i realized he already know my identity.

When we hired a wagon i didn't told him that i was from the Dalton duchy.

So how did he know?

I stared at him and he was avoiding my eyes, trying to look outside of the window.

"How did you knew?" I asked him.

"K-Know What?" He asked back.

'So he is playing dumb?'

"How did you knew that am going to the Dalton Duchy?" I asked with a cold voice.

"W-Well, i saw you to get down from the wagon that had the Dalton crest…" He replied as he scratched his neck awkwardly.

'This makes sense, but…'

"Why did you approach me?" I asked with a wary eyes.

Because of my identity as the crown prince's fiance and the duchy's princess; People would rather to stay away from me.

Not to mention commoners do that to every nobles.

So why did he approached me?