"Annual Banquet" (1)

Eleanora's pov ~

As the founding day of the empire and the annual banquet was approaching, the capital city of Valentino became crowded with incoming nobles.

Where the dukes and knights were busy in the border inception and relief distribution.

The boutiques specializing in dresses for nobles were booming, and the commoner people were also satisfied with the emperor, thanks to the release of the massive reserve grains.

Some of the nobles balked at the luxurious ceremony at a time when the empire was suffering from famine.

But the emperor was determined to have the banquet to proceed in a splendid manner as always, even if the imperial family was financially strained because of the poor crops.

Nobles usually attend the banquets with an intension to find a suitable marriage partner. So, they won't miss this opportunity where all the nobles familly attend.