Chapter 52 ~ "Can Two Paths Become One?"

"But i think, I love you…"

"My empress!"

Cathain gently took some of her flying hair in the air, at his hands and kissed it.

He looked up and stare at her widening blue eyes in shock and smiled at her devilishly.

Where, Eleanora looked at Cathain with a shocked and horrified gaze.

She could imagine the 26-year-old Cathain looking to her in the appearance of a 16 year-old teenager.

Cathain in the past, sometimes would look at her like this. Which would be full of obsession and possessiveness.

Red eyes, which wanted to possess her, cage her and keep her tied with him.

His red eyes is no longer the eyes of a teenager, which always looked at her with a little annoyance.

Just like how her soul was a adult in mentality but child at appearance, his expression just now was the same.

'N-No… No… It can't be… '

Eleanora unconsciously kept murmuring in her mind as she continued to step back from him.