Chapter 68 ~ "Negotiation"

King Melendez's question caught Eleanora in surprise.

In the empire, she was the lady with the highest authority. Specially after her father left and she become the representative of the duchy for the time being.

So, her past habit to attend meetings stayed even in this life.

'Gosh! I forget that woman's can't attend the official meetings yet at this time!'

In her previous life, After Cathain become the emperor, he changed the rules.

Where noble woman's can also become the heir, work along with males and support their family like every common family.

But this was yet to happen in this life. She forgot about this and came along with him.

'How could he forget this too and bring me here?'

Eleanora glanced at Cathain but was terrified to see the look on his face. He was frowning as disgust filled up his red eyes.

She wanted to take a step back but Cathain kept holding onto her firmly as he spoke.