Chapter 76 ~ "Go Back To The Past"

The man wore a black cape, which covered his face and beside him, stood another person.

Alexander's handsome face has aged a lot in just three years, he become thinner and weaker as he didn't had any will to live anymore.

He felt like a complete failure, who couldn't save his wife or daughter.

The moment Alexander's eyes fall on Eleanora's dead body, his body started to tremble.

Eleanora was lying in the emperor bedrooms big bed where she couldn't even enter when she was alive.

The room was filled with the flowers she liked.

Laying peacefully wearing a gorgeous dress that she used to wear before she died.

Her hair was neatly combed up and if Alexander didn't knew that she is dead, he would think that she is just sleeping.

Alexander knelt down beside Eleanora as tears kept pouring out from his eyes.

"Ele… Dad is sorry, Dad couldn't save you… Don't forgive me… Only if i had protected you better and earlier… take you out from here…"