"Cathain's Dream"

The white petals fluttered off in the wind.

The gentle scent of flowers and the scent of the earthy scent tickled the tip of Eleanora's nose.

The sound of unknown grass bugs was heard from everywhere.

Cathain looked away as he also felt a little embarrassed, not to mention Eleanora, who had turn tomato red.

The atmosphere felt very peaceful and calm as if it could free one from the troubled world.

When Eleanora got carried away with the atmosphere for a moment, Cathain's cold voice broke the silence.

"I decided to help you fulfil your dreams… As a redemption for my past behaviours, also the past life which I don't remember clearly… Am sorry."

"You don't have to do this…"

"It's not even enough to erase the pain in your heart. This is what i can do at least."

"…Thank you."

Eleanora thanked Cathain in a low voice, wanting to not feel the warmth which he wanted to spread in her heart.