"Coronation Ceremony"

Eleanora stared at the silver suit with a blue robe infront of her for a long time.

The buttons was made from fine white jewels and the embroidery was done by silver threads which made the suit shiny.

The top button of the suit was replaced with her family crest design.

'Just how long ago you started to prepare for this, daddy?'

Eleanora's eyes become a little wet as she hugged the official knight suit of the Dalton duchy.

In her last life, she went to the battlefield wearing the imperial knight suit given by the emperor.

When she returned, the new emperor made her the captain of the third squadron.

She had her own offical black suit from then on.

So, Eleanora never got the chance to wear the knight suit of her own familly.

'Thank you, Daddy.'

Very soon, the closed door opened with a smiling Eleanora; who was wearing a silver suit with a blue robe above it.

Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail with blue ribbons to match her outfit.