"Changing Dance Partner's"

"To all the knights who fought with their lives for our empire, This empire and it's people will always remember your sacrifices and efforts."

The emperor spoke as he raised his wine glass to toast everyone and with this, the banquet officially started.

"To the knights and our empire!!"

Everyone raised their glasses too and drunk it to start the celebration.

Eleanora drunk the whole glass of wine in one gulp as she felt heartbroken amd anger at the same time.

The adult image of Cathain, remembered her about the past Cathain who had raised his campaign glass as he announced Jennifer's pregnancy news.

Jennifer becoming the queen and her child becoming the next heir of the throne.

Where she was brushed aside to give the other woman her space to stand beside her husband.

The more Eleanora thought about it, the more angrier she become.

If she could, she wanted to push Jennifer away from Cathain and then strangle him right at this moment.