"Helping Jennifer"

"This way, My Lady."

A knight spoke as he lead the way to the field hospital for Jennifer.

She was wearing a red and black coloured mixed knight suit, which represented that she was under the third knight squadron which was being lead by the Crown Princess.

'Did the past me, who was busy with screwing up the empress in this battle could imagine that she herself will join the war to help her?'

In her past life, Jennifer used her knowledge about medicines to create troubles for Eleanora and ended up killing many people.

This time, she wants to save life and pursue her dream of being a doctor.

She was skilled but it was too bad that she wasted it because she craved for fatherly love and ler herself being brainwashed by her own father.

'Maybe i can atone a little for my sins that way...'

"The road is uneven. So be careful of your steps."

"Okay, Thank you. How far is the hospital?"

Jennifer thanked the knight and asked about their destination at the same time.