"Lunar Eclipse"

The emperor was looking at the war map as he continued to hear the opinion of the higher up officials.

'What am i missing?'

He felt it odd as how can the man who dared to steal the imperial soldiers information and declare a war against them, would came up with such an obvious plan?

Cathain thought as he narrowed his eyes at the word 'Demacia', which was Eleanora's base camp and twitched at a sudden realisation.

'Wait, could it be-'

Just then, a sweet but cold voice sounded.

"Are you people dumb or he is too cunning?"

Everyone become dumbfounded for a moment as they heard the crown princess's word, who looked at them with indifference.

Even the emperor himself was shocked to hear her the coldness in her voice after she spoke.

Cathain felt angry because he thinks his proposal that day made her like this.

She hates him so much that she completely changed to make him realise it by himself.