"Not The Only One"

The Next Day~

'Hah, how much longer will it take us to reach the camp?'

Eleanora thought as she felt exhausted for walking everyday in this mountain with heavy snow on the road.


"Your Majesty?"

Cathain gestured Eleanora to pause on their steps as he took out the binocular to look the road ahead.


'I should've killed him when i had the chance...'

Cathain put the binocular in the bag again, before he spoke with a sigh for not killing Mendel earlier.

"They found us, It's Mendel... He is leading a army towards this way,"


Eleanora's blue eyes widened with shock as she calculated either they can defeat the Rua's army or not.

"Your Majesty... LET'S RUN!!"


Eleanora spoke horrifically as she grabbed the surprised Cathain's hands, who waa standing still and started to ran fast towards the opposite side of the mountain.

'...Why do i feel like am running away from home to marry the girl i like and our family is chasing us?'