CH 192~ The Past: One And Only

[A/N: This is the last chapter about the past timeline. I added this past pov's to explain why the current lifetime's Eleanora and Cathain are different from the past ones.

Why Eleanora remembered the past despite being different from the past Eleanora and how Cathain saw visions about their past.

How the sacrificial worked and how the present Cathain recalled the past life now because of his past life's powers, which was inside the current Eleanora returned to him by healing.

As Eleanora remembered the past because of the past Cathain's powers, the current Cathain recalled it too as he got back those powers from her.]

Cathain's heart started to feel stuffy as he continued to thought of the life with them, which will never come true.

The eldest son as the crown prince, the second son would be the next duke of Dalton.

Where the little girl would be the empire's princess, loved by everyone.