"The Safe Zone"

Eleanora clenched the sleeves of her shirt because of the tension between them as she stayed in his embrace silently.

In the end, she just accepted him.

Just like that.

Even though she was hesitant, but she didn't regretted what she did just now.

She couldn't trust, but also couldn't stop herself from feeling safe with only him.

When she realized he didn't deserve her, but still felt like she deserved someone who will at least love her dearly like him.

Because Eleanora had already given so much of herself, and invested so much time and energy after him, that it just didn't seem fair to have to walk away with nothing.

Her father was right; she can't escape her feelings and live with fear all the time.

Even if she couldn't accept him, she knew that she wasn't able to push him away either.

Otherwise she wouldn't feel these mixed feelings.

'Am going to live the rest of my life like this?'

'Keep hesitating?'

'For how long?'