Chapter 2

My mom came to wake both me and my older sister up by 6 am, because God forbid school can't just start by 9 am and let students have one more hour of sleep, hehe sorry for being grumpy, I'm not a morning person.....who am I talking to?

I brushed, took a shower, and wore my very uncomfortable uniform, and headed for breakfast, since school sucks and my house is a little bit far I didn't have enough time to eat the food that will last me till 11:30 break time

It was time to leave, the time was 7 am, and school starts by 8, I'm usually slow so that's why my mom wakes us early, my fault I guess but since my sis isn't a morning person either this balances out to the two of us.

We headed downstairs to get in the car so our mom can drop us off, she said this to me before we left:

"I'm sorry for hitting you yesterday, we were just tired from work and you know your dad likes to overreact over small things, today just try ur best at school, okay," she said with a bright smile.

Oh, my heart, if she wasn't my mother I would have asked her to marry me, just a joke though, not that I'm serious.

"Yeah mom, I'll try" I said.

She was driving pretty steady until a car that was driving the opposite way in one-way traffic, started speeding and headed towards us, we had only a few meters untill we both had a collision, I felt we were going to die, I thought this was the end...

I opened my eyes and everything was slowed down, really slow, it was very slow, I quickly got myself together and used this chance to turn the staring wheel to change lanes to avoid getting killed, I looked into the rearview mirror and saw my eyes were jade green with a little clock symbol in my right eye.

I was scared is this what I looked like to mom, What if she finds out and starts fearing me or takes me to church to get the "devil" out?

Will I remain like this forever? what do I do?

As I was lost in thought everything started moving at normal speed again, my mom screamed and so did my sister.

She said in an unnerved voice

"I thought I just saw a car in front of us, maybe it was just my imagination, hehe?"

"But there was a car in front of us I just swerved, and mom.... h-how... do my eyes look?" I said

She said that there wasn't any car in front of us and my eyes looked fine after she checked with the rearview...

We arrived at school by 7:30, which is what my watch says, I waved my mom bye and she waved back and said "Good luck with today and read your books " with a smile.

"Honestly, she's the only reason I haven't been driven into the dark side, Hehe"

I walked into school greeting the gateman who ignored me and replied my sis, it was no surprise at all this guy favors girls more than guys....hmm suspicious but I'll let it slide since no one takes me seriously anyways and no one has gotten hurt yet.

Back to the matter at hand!

"Why was there a clock symbol in my eye?

"Why were my eyes green?"

"Why was everything slowed down?

"Why could I move faster?"

...is there anything I can find out about my powers? Is there anyone I can even ask about this?

How do I casually say:

"Hey last night I wished to change my fate and now I'm stuck with magical clock eyes that glow green and stop time"?

Who'd believe me? No, wait if I showed them then they would believe me.

I've gotta practice how this works right now, ill do it in class. My class was on the second floor, so I'll just run there at full speed..... "phew" exhausted first thing in the morning. [Heavy beathing]

I peeked into class hoping it would be empty so I can practice, then I saw ebuka he was a friend of mine since junior high, he was slightly taller than me, low cut, dark hair, with a kinda slim build, he knew my luck was terrible, to begin with, but still stuck around.

Honestly, I was glad it was him, now I just hope he doesn't run away screaming about what I'm about to attempt to tell him.....

"Morning, Ebuka, "I said

"Whatsup, Victor "

"Not great I think there's something wrong with me"

"Hmm.....puberty?" Ebuka


"Fell in love?"

"I'm serious right now, I think I have powers!"

Ebuka laughed hysterically.

"I see you had a dream where u had powers and you're confusing it with real life? Don't worry I'll hear you out, since we're friends after all"

"I wasn't having a dream, dude, this morning on my way to school my family nearly had an accident,"

I told him about the speeding car, how my power manifested, the colors my eyes were with the design, and how I'm the only one who remembers. He was shaken by the first fact but still had some doubt about the rest.

"Okay, I believe you, you may be down on your luck but you don't lie for attention, especially using your family's name"


"Can you show me?"

"I don't know how it works"

"What did you feel when u nearly had that accident? try feeling that again"

I felt....fear, anger, like life, wasn't fair, that I needed more time, it can't end this way, please it just can't!!

"Dude your eyes!!!!"

He brought out a mirror from his locker and showed me, my eyes were green again but the design wasn't there anymore.

"You truly DO have powers, no fair," He said.

"You truly DO have powers, no fair," he said.

"Wait, why did you say that twice?"

"What are you talking about? This is the first time I'm saying it"

"No, you said it twice"

"I didn't"

"I have to try this out, can you write down 10 random words, one with a number on it, I want to check something."

"Sure dude," Ebuka.

I waited outside for 3 mins before returning, he had already written it down, I told him not to tell me one word of what he wrote that I already knew.

What he wrote was:








8) Boobs

9) Depression


He told me that it was exactly it.

"How did you know?

"I saw a future where I failed every last one but you showed me the answer in that same future, I memorized it and that's how I got it.....I think.lol."

"VICTOR, YOU CAN SEE THE FUTURE?!" he yelled in my ears.

"This is 7:40 in the morning, why are yelling?!"

"Are you kidding me? I'm happy for you, you can use this to change ur crappy luck"


"Looks like we can continue this another time ebuka, it's time for assembly"

On the assembly grounds, boys' and girls' lines of the same class were arranged separately, probably to avoid horny guys grinding against girls during prayer, I mean who wants to have a boner right next to a teacher. I know I wouldn't.

On the boys' line, I'm sorta at the back thanks to my height, like 4th place from the back, and my neighbor in the girl's line was a really cute girl, I hadn't seen her before, she must be a transfer or something.

The assembly lasts 30 minutes give or take, with the national anthem, national pledge, prayer, the school pledge, and announcements(occasionally). I viewed this as unnecessary but we have to do this every day till we graduate.

During a lot of it I was just thinking about what Ebuka said in class.

"I can change my crappy luck, huh?" We'll see...