A tourist's reveal


"Victor we'll need to train you a little before you get to go, "Alice said.

"Hmm the better hand-to-hand fighter we have is.... between jane or anna, you can ask either of them to help"

"How am I supposed to learn fighting within a week of training?"

"With the way they are, I'm sure you can at least learn the basics, well with whatever your choice is good luck," Alice said smiling.

I felt an ominous aura from behind me. Anna and jane were smiling evilly

"Well good luck bro!" Kelvin said as he was leaving

"You'll need it," Briggs said while also leaving

"If you survive their training, you might be too sour to even go," Kelvin said while closing the door behind him.

I was alone with two girls who want to tear me apart, God please let me survive this week. Today was Friday, just a day after my parent's funeral and I'm already about to have a training arc. But they let me rest just for today because I just woke up!

"Uhm....jane how long was I knocked out?"

"Five hours"


She giggled cutely.

"You should be thankful you're awake at all, he may have punched you lightly but it was still heavy"

"That was him holding back?! if he had gone all out would I still be alive?"

*Teehee* "probably not"

"Any way you just moved in right? How about I show you around?"She said while standing up


"C'mon don't be shy"

"I'm not"


"I'll go take a shower, meet me at this room by 7 pm," she said typing her room number on her phone.

"Room 22, huh?" said after looking at her phone.

"If you have enough strength to go touring, you should also have enough to start practicing." anna said

"Great, it's grouchy again," I remarked

"I am not grouchy!!" she retorted

Oops, I said that out loud.

"Join us anna it'll be fun!" jane said

"No thank you, II think we've seen enough of each other for a day, "Anna remarked.

"First time I'm agreeing with you" I replied.

"Tch, I'm leaving," anna said

She walked out.

"I guess it's just you and me then, teehee"

She said as she was walking out.

"Hmm...wait does this mean I'm going on a date?"

Nah I'm probably overthinking it, well at least let me have a shower, and take a nap, it's 4:30 pm I've got plenty of time.

3 hours later...

"Shhhiitt?!! it's 7:30, how long did I sleep?!"

I was wearing a black long-sleeve jacket with a red top beneath since the AC made me cold, but I wanted some air blowing in so wore shorts.

I ran outside my room, trying to find room...room what again?

uhh...she said something about 32?

I couldn't risk it and used my precognition to look back at what she said

"Room 22, yes I found it!"

I took the stairs down since my room was at 80.

Here's like a maze, I got to a floor and read a sign on the staircase that said: "Rooms 40-20"

"Yes! I'm on the right floor but.... where exactly is her room?"

Crap I'll just have to keep looking!

POV of jane

"hmm, it's 8:00, is he not coming anymore?"

"I didn't get a proper answer when I asked"

"Well I'm a little disappointed but it's okay I'll just go to his room and check up on him"

As she was about to leave, she heard a loud thumping sound coming from outside her room.

It was victor, he was breathing heavily saying "Sorry, I'm late!"

"Hahaha, you wanted to come huh?..... I'm glad"

"Can I wash my face at least before we go?"

"Sure come in."

POV: Victor

"So much for me showing up relaxed, I should have set an alarm dammit."

Well no use crying over spilled milk, I'll just wash my face and then we'll go.

I took a look at her, she was wearing a dark wine hoodie and jean shorts, so casual, I knew this wasn't a date.

"I'm done, let's go," I said

We headed upstairs using the elevator, she took my hand and dragged me throughout the building, we got to a room that looked like a bar, other people were there too but few.

we went to the snack bar and ate burgers and fries with soda, then she took me to the recreational room, We played tennis, and I won since I could see where it was going to go, then it was air hockey, and I won again, she got a little upset with me for cheating so we played basketball, she won... I couldn't aim well. We played a bit of Lazer tag, I lost, but it was.... fun.

"No fair you jerk!" she said while exhausted

"It was so fair, what do mean?" I said also exhausted.

"You used powers," she said while pouting

"If I played fair I'd lose everything" I replied

"It's better to lose playing fair than win cheating"

"Yeah yeah preach to me...this was fun and all but I don't think I've learned anything around the building yet."

"Hehe I'm pooped, you still wanna go?"

"No rush, I can wait"

"Hey, you wanna go one last place before we call it a night"She said with a mischievous smile on her face.

She took me to an indoor pool located on the 6th floor, it was a very big lit-up pool, it glowed blue, and I fell into a little trance while staring at it.

"Ahh, what are you doing?!"

She took off her hoodie, wearing only a black bra and underwear. She had a nice shape, her chest was medium, her skin reflected the blue lights that the pool was letting out, and it was flawless.

I don't know what's wrong with me right now, I've been staring at her for a while, she just seems so pretty even with sweat, I'm not sure what it is but it's probably not....love.

"Aren't you gonna come in?" she asked

"uh...I didn't bring a swimsuit"

"Neither did I, just get in, the water is fine"

I took off my clothes, while just leaving on my boxer shorts, and jumped in, the water was a little cold but it was refreshing, especially after we just played laser tag and were exhausted.

"I'm glad to see you're finally relaxing here"

"What do u mean?"

"You just came here today but I felt that you were tense the whole time, especially around Ignatius."


"You know I wasn't always here, Ignatius brought me here too, I was an orphan on the streets before he came along."

She's an orphan too huh?

"Really what happened?"


she remained silent for a while.

"Er.. sensitive subject... I'm sorry for bringing it up"

"It's okay I don't mind"

"But I'll only say it once so pay attention okay?"

She said with a not-so-convincing smile, maybe I really shouldn't have brought it up.

"I got my powers a little early, it started when I was 5"

"That early huh?"

"Hehe no, no, no more like when I realized what I wanted to be started at 5"


Well, it all started when I was 5...