Rough morning.

POV anna:

I should go before he wakes up.

[Door opens]

"I-ignatius, what are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to victor but i guess he's asleep, may i ask what you are doing here?"

"He passed out on me when he got out of the elevator, so i carried him here."I replied.

"Really? He must have been tired then. Where you going somewhere that you bumped into him?"

"I wanted to get a soda at the snack bar." I replied


"I hope your resolve hasn't weakened Anna, You seem a bit tensed since Victor's arrival here, "he asked

"I'm perfectly normal and No,it hasn't."

"Well that's good then,well head to bed you have training with your partner in the morning, "he said with a smile.

Phew...he left i was getting worried.

I looked at his face one last time, and smiled.

"Goodnight victor"




"Huh? it's 9am, I guess I can still sleep in a little, "victor said

Well back to sleep i guess.


"AHHHH!!!!"He screamed.

"Wake up dude it's morning!"Kelvin said

"Huh? Iit's only 9 o'clock, can't i just sleep in please, "Victor begged.

"Nope,you had yesterday off so that today can be brutal, hehe"Jane said.

"But how about just one more hour" Victor bargained

"Get your lazy behind up already!"Anna yelled.

"Ugh,fine!" Victor

"...And fix your bed head," Anna said

"Fine,fine....Wait a minute what are all of you doing in my room anyway?!"

"How did you even get in?"Victor.

"It turns out you dropped your key pass outside your room door, Jane found it and let us in, "Anna said.

"Oh, thanks Jane" He smiled

"Your welcome Victor!"Jane said

"I would have been more thankful if you hadn't rang that alarm right next to my ear!" victor retorted.

"Hehe, the past is the past, " Jane giggled.

"Alright off to the bathroom"Kelvin said while dragging victor out of his bed and pushing him into the bathroom.

[20 mins later] Victor came out wrapped in a towel.


"Of course we are, do you think we would leave so that you can go back to bed?."Jane said.

"Then the girls should get out let me change!"Victor said flustered

"How rude"Anna said while frowning

"Lets go jane, we'll be sure to put in more effort during our training with him."Anna said

"Yeah let's go" Jane replied, she smiled at him then left.

Anna and jane walked outside the room to wait.

[Inside the room]

"You know you didn't have to yell at them like that, "Briggs said.

"Yeah!" Kelvin said.

".... I was nervous, I'll go apologize later"

"Hehe, that's one helluva reaction though , what are you scared of, you got a small dick or something ?(Lol)"Kelvin said while laughing.

"Some questions are better left unanswered, " Victor said while grabbing his shorts from his bed.

"Hmm, now i wanna know show it to me or tell me" Kelvin said while standing up.

"Too bad i ain't answering."victor said

Kelvin super speeds over and grabs victors shorts before he wears them.

"I'm not giving you with an a choice, "Kelvin said

"Hey, give those back!"

"Briggs hold him down"Kelvin said.

"Yeah, right as if he is as immature as you, "Victor

Briggs grabbed victor and held him down by pinning his arms.

"H-hey,what are doing?" He stammered.

"I got curious too" briggs said with a serious face.

"Wait,wait,wait,wait,wait this isn't right, c'mon guys this isn't funny"victor said nervously.

"Now for the reveal!!!"Kelvin said while laughing.

The girls who were waiting outside heard a loud scream coming from the room.

They opened it and saw the boys sitting in different corners of the room.

"What happened here" anna asked.

"Looks like we had an elephant in the room."Kelvin said with depressed eyes.

"Huh?what do you mean by that?"jane asked.

"I thought power was everything but looks like i came in second"briggs said while sitting in a corner.

"At least you came in second what about me?!"Kelvin yelled at briggs.

"What exactly is going on ?"jane asked concerned.

"Nevermind,them let's just go"victor said with distant eyes.

All three of the boys went outside slowly.

victor whispers to them.

"Never tell anyone what you saw."

"Yes boss"they replied.

"Don't call me that"victor said.

They all went to the backyard of the building for his training.

Looks like it's about to start.


The backyard was a wide well kept grassy field,with a few trees here and there,it had some sport setups and there was a wide tartan track that stretched 400m .

"Yikes the sun is out today"Kelvin exclaimed.

"Yes even i can't stand it"briggs said

"Well it's time for your training victor go do 100 laps around the field."anna said.

"Isn't that too small?" jane asked.

"Your right jane,make it 150"anna said.

"HOLD ON A SECOND!!"Victor yelled

"Why do i get to go through this while the rest of you sit under a tree and eat ice cream under the shade?!"victor said.

"Well we're already trained out"Kelvin said.

"My powers aren't even running-related how does this help me?"victor asked

"It increases your wimpy stamina,for you to maybe be able to use your time lag for longer that a minute"anna yelled and then took a bite of ice cream to mock him.

"Tch... I'm not doing this!"victor said

"And why can't we have indoor training?"

"If we took you indoors, you won't last a second with OUR type of training."briggs said.

"Yeah right"

"Seriously dude we're just looking out for you"Kelvin said while licking his ice-cream.


"Whatever it is it should be better than this"victor said.

The four of them looked at eachother and said

"Well we warned you!"they said in unison.

We all went back into the main building and

took the elevator down.

"Wait were are we going, isn't this the first floor?"

They all smiled evily at him.


The elevator door opens,they walked out of it and kept walking a a straight line, Victor read a sign that said: "Hell's training room,go back now!"

The doors opened automatically and a huge room with multiple doors was seen,briggs grabbed victor's shoulder and said:

"Mine's up first."

They both went into a chamber,the rest of them stayed out,he asked them to set something to level 4 when he gave the signal.

"What are we gonna do here,spar?"victor asked.

"Yes but first you have to do 10 push ups then we'll spar"briggs said.

"Just 10?"victor asked

"Yes"briggs said.

"Okay sure."

He went down to do it then anna turned on the room's "Feature."

"GAH!!!!" victor groaned.

"what's going on,i can't stand up."victor said while on the ground.

"This is a gravity chamber it's used to build up endurance and durability fast."briggs said while moving freely in it.

"Then why can't i move?"victor groaned.

"Because you're weak." Anna said as she walked in effortlessly.

"Tch she can do it too?"

"Actually we all can" said jane as her and Kelvin walked in.

"Shit even you too?"victor asked.

"Surprised?"Kelvin said.

"Well this is what training inside means,we could have done this the easy way but you chose this"anna said.

"And this is just the beginning"jane said.

"Your gonna have a horrible time here"briggs said.

"Don't worry i brought a barf bag incase you can't hold it anymore."Kelvin said with a smile.

POV: victor.

Awww crap!