Anna's past phase.


My time lag went out, he came close to me, grabbed me by my face, and lifted me.

I was in pain, tired, and I could barely move, I was hoping that he would have kept talking giving me enough time to heal up a bit but Riven wasn't that type of guy.

" g-go!"I strained

"I'll now sync with your eyes to show you your forgotten past, "Riven said as his bangs revealed his eyes, they were dark and cold, it was like staring into an abyss

"No!" Anna jumped down and landed a kick on Riven's face.

He dropped me.

Anna picked me up and started to run, but Riven was already in front of us.

"I like strong women in stories they always give the tale more "Kick", " He chuckled.

"Hey, Victor... Can you stand?" she whispered.

I couldn't ... but I also couldn't hold her back.

"Yeah I can, put me down."

"We're going in to attack Riven at the same time I have a plan, use your foresight trick to keep up, and if we survive this...After this is over...I'll tell you everything... Even if it means you'll hate me, "

I felt her aura with my bloodlust, it felt scared, wavering even.

Whatever she's keeping me from finding out I'd better live through this to hear it.

"Are you ready...Go!" Anna.


We both charged at riven.

"Time containment! "

"Crap I couldn't catch him!"

"Anna, behind you!"

He punched Anna in her back and held her hair, then punched her again.

"Argghhh!!" Anna screamed.


He vanished from her and appeared in front of me, he gave a punch, but I parried his hand. Since I was still weakened and he was vastly stronger than me I was pushed back by the force.

Anna stood up again to stab him from behind with the knives she hid in her dress, but Riven dodged all her assaults with his eyes closed mockingly.

"He's acting cocky now's my chance, I can cast a Time --"


"I'm getting real tired of your time containment, Victor "

Riven held me by my arm.

"AHHHH! My arm! My arm!!"

"ARGHHHH!! My arm!!"

I rolled on the ground in agony as Riven tore my arm off.


I was vomiting, and rolling on the ground in pain.

"That should keep you down for a while, heh."

Riven said, then dropped my detached arm next to me.

The pain I felt was indescribable, I was bloodied and beaten and covered in my vomit, and my clothes were drenched from the rain and blood.

"...Am I... going to die?"

"Victor!" Anna looked at my dying body on the ground....she snapped.

She ran at Riven and kicked him in the stomach, elbowed his jaw, and tried to slit his throat with her knife but Riven caught it with his finger and broke it.

"You're that crazy over him, I'm almost touched, " He smirked

"I'll kill you! " Anna glared at him fiercely.

"You? kill me? *HAHAHA*, I'm sorry, I know you're serious and all but that has to be the funniest joke I've heard in centuries, "

His face turned serious.

"Now then let's see how you'll kill me"

He then punched her side, and gave her an uppercut, she flew in mid-air, and he caught her leg and slammed her into the ground with incredible force.

"Arghh!" Anna.

It made a huge hole.

*Cough-cough* It hurts!" Anna

"Arghh!" Riven stepped on her chest.

"Why are you so upset about this? You're the reason he's in this situation in the first place!" He stepped on her harder she went deeper into the ground then the hole got bigger.

"Shut....up, Why...are you even doing this, " Anna.

"Well, just like you're lover over there, I can see a future where many interesting things are going to happen, I'm not letting anyone change that, but there are too many ways to get the results I'm after, and one of them includes you being alive, but then again you're just an anchor, If I want this ship to sail I'll need to destroy that anchor."

"Hm," He glanced over at me and smirked.

"Looks like it's finally time to 'look back, Victor Edeosa"

He walked towards me and pulled my chin up.

"Now, let's get those crappy emotions out of the way, "

He looked into my eyes... Everything went dark.

I opened my eyes, and I found myself completely fine but I appeared in a storeroom filled with books, I then saw myself, my...younger self tied to a chair, but I was outside myself watching him.

Riven's disembodied voice spoke in my head: You don't recall this, do you?

He's right, I've never seen this before, I recognize the place, it's my school's storeroom, but what am I doing tired to a chair?.

"W-what is this?!"

Riven: A memory that's been erased from your mind, Victor, this past did occur to you but you do not recall, So I brought your consciousness back to the past, for the past cannot be erased.

"The...past?! No way, that's... impossible!"

Riven: What's impossible and possible relies on the imagination and perspective of an individual, there are things in this world that are beyond belief or "Impossible" to believe but that doesn't mean they don't exist. For example, you previously claimed what I'm doing now is impossible but as you can see it's very possible.

Also, I'll keep correcting you on this, I've never told a lie neither do I have a reason to.


I ran to my past self to untie him but my hand phased through him, er, me.

"I can't touch him?"

Riven: Of course, you can't, you are nothing more than a mere consciousness, your time here has passed, you do not exist here, and you can not interact nor intervene with the events of this past that are about to unfold.

"Let me out of here Riven, I don't care what for what you want to show me!"

Riven: Watch your tone, your tough exterior isn't fooling me I can feel your soul trembling at the mere sound of my voice.


The door opened up and three girls walked in one was at the back I couldn't see her face, I remembered the two first two girls, they were in my school then but...

Damilola: What are we going to him today?

Favour: How bout we make him eat the frogs from the science lab?

Damilola: Great Idea, what do you think...

I got the worst chill I've ever felt in my life...The third girl that walked in through that door was...

"Anna?" Damilola/Victor.