The Future meets the Past.


In this dark space, Riven took me to another "past" I didn't remember, this time I was floating above my house and Riven was right next to me, Smirking.

"This is another past event, Victor, by this time you should be arriving home from another wonderful school day at school, Hahaha, "Riven.

What's so funny to this bastard?!

"Let's go in" Riven touched my back and we suddenly appeared in my room.

"Don't touch me!"

I pushed his hand away from my shoulder then I tripped and nearly hit my bed but I went through it and fell.

"You forgot you don't exist here?"

"I hate school!" I heard my past self yelling from downstairs, he then ran into the room and slammed the door behind him.

He went to his bed and started crying into his pillow.

"Why...why is everyone being mean to me? I..*sniff* didn't do anything wrong, Is it because him ugly?"


Riven laughed right next to me, it was annoying, I wanted to punch him so badly but it would most likely end in my death.

"Can't they just leave me alone, teachers don't even pretend to care, it's like I'm disturbing them, they can't see it, why does no one see it?! ... please...anyone, help me"

He kept bawling his eyes out into his pillow.

"If no one sees it then I'd wish they all die! So they can leave me alone, everyone, the teachers, the bullies, let them all die! or let them leave me alone"

"Victor, imagine you got grace here? it would have been hilarious, you murdering without lifting a finger " Riven.

"I don't even remember this."

"Let's keep watching, then" Riven.

I heard the door shut downstairs, I thought it would have been my sister.

Then a slender girl walked in, it was Anna.

"What are you doing here?!"

"What is she doing here?!"

I said in unison with my younger self.

"We're sharing a room remember and you know the drill, get off the bed, your staining it with your tears"

My younger self ran towards her but she side-kicked his leg he fell off to the ground and then she twisted his arm while stepping on his face.

"You thought you've grown strong enough to fight me? You have no idea how weak you are"

"If I'm weak aren't you supposed to protect me?! ...You were once that kind of girl, you were once--Argh!"

She squeezes his arm

"Don't... please don't bring back those memories, " Anna.

"Why? You were back then, I know it may be in reverse but you were protecting me, I...I had a crush on you back then! were more than a friend to me, I don't even know how to put it into words but.. but I loved you, I was planning on telling you, but then you suddenly changed to this...why? Was it something I did? Tell me, Anna?!"

She looked at him and smiled.

"Heh, the girl you saved back then, the girl who cared for your tears, the girl who told you "everything is gonna be alright" and the girl you loved... is all gone, you'll have to get used to the new me now, brat"

"A-arggh... Please... stop...Argh..."

Anna kept twisting his arm even more.

"You're getting angry that you're eyes are glowing green, Victor, what do you think you can do in this situation?"

I walked up to them and held Anna's hand

"What?!" Riven quickly removed my hand from hers.

"Whatever you just tried...Never do it again!"

Riven had a death stare in his eyes.

"So I can interfere, you were just hiding it"

"Interfere in the past one more time and you'll see if there's a reason I said you can't, "

"Why can't I? I just did it"

"Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you never had your grace?" Riven

"I'd give it away if it meant I could get rid of you," I said.

"Funny as always, you'd die if anything from this past is interrupted, there's a series of events that led you to where you are now, and if one of those events is interrupted you will find yourself in the future that you were better off without" Riven

"Since I got "grace", my sister's been shot and can't use her arm, my parents are dead, I'm finding out my best friend was even a friend at all and the girl who I barely know is deeply rooted to my past, I think I was better in my daily illusions when I didn't have grace!"

"What about the day you nearly had a car accident? I'm dying, anytime someone's about to die I'm never far, even right now that I'm with you I'm also with someone who's at death's door, and the day after you got your grace you would have had a terrible accident which would have killed you, your sister and your mother, leaving your dad alone here he might most probably either get grace or kill himself due to the shock of losing his family, what if you didn't have grace then, what would you have done?"

"My grace is also the reason my parents are dead! "

"That's not an answer, my question was what would you have done if you didn't have grace that day?" Riven


"Exactly, you don't know, you're more dependant on grace than you know" Riven.

Riven didn't say another word and looked back at my past self being tormented by Anna.

I looked at Anna and thought: "Is this how you've always treated me? Is this why you've always had those cold stares in your eyes whenever I passed by? I felt a tension between us but I didn't know this is what you were hiding, trying so desperately to hide the past from me... "

"Did...I just feel a hand?" Anna muttered.

A few minutes later Riven took us out and we found ourselves in that dark space again.

"I can't believe she used a magnet to pull the push pins to stab the insides of your stomach, pure genius" Riven

"That was interesting wasn't it, Edeosa? you got to see what type of person Anna really was, "Riven.

"Hm? You kneeling there weeping doesn't make the past go away, you're pathetic" Riven.

"...then why, Riven? You knew what she was to me but you kept calling her my "lover", Why? Is this how you would treat your love?

Riven got infuriated by that question and grabbed me by the face and lifted me.

Argh! I...struck a nerve?

"I'll have you know that there are some things you shouldn't say in front of me, I was going to show you more horrid things Anna has done to you for my pleasure but let's skip all that and go into the worse two:

1) The day she made you nearly commit suicide and...

The day she "accidentally" made you get 'Grace', "

"She did what?!"