Ominous future.

Chapter 2

Victor's POV

I've finally been discharged after 3 days, yeesh, did she have to check me everywhere? *Sigh*

I have to help in this war somehow...but how? I don't even know how strong the opposition is, or how I can help, I could get captured and they'll take my grace and use it in their favor, Anna and Jane have gone to fight and there are very few people here at HQ.

I need to train as much as possible to not be a burden...but that hell's training room is still a bit too much for me. Who would train me?

"Hm? Ignatius?... Ignatius!"

"I see you're feeling well, Victor," Ignatius.

I can't still feel his intent with bloodlust, doesn't he think of anything?

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks...Hey Ignatius?"

"Yes?" Ignatius.

"I want to help in this war in any way I can, Is there anything I can do?"

"You just woke up a few days ago, there's nothing for you to do but recuperate, then I'll try to return you to your family, " Ignatius.

"Family...Did you later find the person who killed my parents?"

"Amid this chaos, we couldn't find him. Yet."

"I know I couldn't complete my mission but- Arghh!"

My head...hurts?! It hurts! Huh? What's this vision?

"Victor, are you okay?!" Ignatius.

I...I can see us dead...I can see everyone dead...Anna... were all dead...What the...Arghh! My...head.

"Try to calm down, Victor," Ignatius.

I'm... feeling... faint.

I passed out and then later woke up in my room's bed.

"H...huh?... What am I laying on?"

"Hey, you're awake... again, hehe" Jane.

"You're in my room? And what am I lying on"

I tried to stand up but I got dizzy and fell back down.

Ohh, I'm lying on her lap...So soft.

"What happened to me anyways?"

"You were talking to Ignatius about your mission, then he said your eyes glowed green, you complained about your head hurting then you passed out," Jane said.

Now I remember...what was that about anyways? I could only see a vague image of me, Kelvin, and Anna's death, I couldn't even see what caused it.

Am I... really going to die this time?

No! I refuse to let that happen! (Again)

I will overcome this grim future even if I have to tear through fate myself!

I'll protect everyone this time, I swear it!

"Victor, what happened, can't you hear me?" Jane.

"Huh? Oh, heh, yeah sorry I couldn't hear you,"

I monologued for so long I didn't notice her calling me.

"Wait, Jane, didn't you go out to help in the war?"

"I did...but I couldn't leave you alone all by yourself" Jane.

"There are other lives that need protecting than mine, don't leave them for me, Idiot"

"Hmph, you've been down for hours I should have left you on the floor then, hmph," Jane.

"I'm sorry for that last bit I was kidding but you DO need to get back," I said.

"I was on a little break but I'll be going back soon...Promise me you won't get hurt or faint again, "

"I promise not to faint again,"

"Heh, you didn't agree to the other one, idiot," Jane.

"There are some promises even I can't keep,"

We talked for an hour about a few minor things before she left. She said she wouldn't be back for weeks.

Now I'm alone in my room, I stared at the ceiling for a while then I rolled over and saw a flower pot on my table, there was a small note on it.

" "If you wake up(again) I left these flowers for you, their Ivies, I wanted a flower to help you get well and also to spruce up your empty room, please stop passing out and get some rest" Anna was here, huh? I guess she does care,"

I walked up to the pot and sniffed it.

"Not bad...Ivies, huh?...Ivies...IVY!" I yelled, "Miss Ivy, why didn't I think of her before, she's super strong and has very weird superhuman abilities why didn't I think of her sooner? If she trained me for a short period and I learned bloodlust, then if she trained me for a longer period I could get stronger...strong enough to fight Riven...strong enough to kill Riven, "

But how do I get to her? I'll ask Ignatius.

The note fell out of my hand and I saw that there was another writing on the back.

"Your hair's grown, think about a haircut"

"My hair, huh? I didn't even notice. Now's not the time for haircuts, I have to find Ignatius and meet up with Ivy!"

I put the note in my pocket and left my room.

I walked around looking for Ignatius then I found him in a break room talking to Alice.

"Sorry to interrupt but I need your help, Ignatius, " I said interrupting whatever conversation they were having.

"You're awake(again)" Alice.

Okay, I get it, I pass out a lot.

"Alice, can I borrow Ignatius for a little while?"

"Okay, but for a little while, I still have something to discuss with him" Alice.


She left the room.

"Are you feeling well enough to talk, Victor?"

"I am, I need your help getting somewhere."

"Where to?"

"That mountain Briggs took me to, I want to see Ivy again."

"Ivy? You want to have her train you to be able to fight."

"I'm glad I don't have to explain it, I feel 'uncertain' about some things and I need her help to feel 'certain' again... can you help me get to her?"

"Is that all you want?"

" "All I want"? I don't think there's anything else I would want"

"Okay then, go and get ready I'll be waiting here"


I left and went back to my room, I took a shower, packed some clothes in my backpack and ate some snacks then went back to the break room.

"Hey, Ignatius, I'm back...huh?"

I looked at the table and saw two pistols and a sword.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Pick one" Ignatius replied.

"What do you mean "pick one"?"

"I mean choose a weapon you'll be using from now on since your ability isn't one for destruction you have no means to protect yourself once you've reached your limits and that could spell danger for you," He said.

But I don't wanna kill anyone else, just Riven, and he doesn't even count as a person...But... It's true that once I hit my limit for my time powers, I'm as defenseless as a baby...So what should I pick? A gun is fast, I could even hit someone from far away, it doesn't take much effort to pull a trigger, and its range is farther than a sword... but...

"I choose the sword" I replied.

He chuckled.

"Why the sword?" He asked.

"A gun would require me carrying ammo, it would also mean without ammo I'm just carrying dead weight, what if someone could dodge bullets...then what? I'm stranded all over again...but with a sword, I always have something to protect myself with, I can fight back and the bottom line is...swords are cool"

He smiled and then stood up.

"If that's your choice then it's alright, Pick it up"

I did pick it up and unsheathed it, it was a dark silver sword, I expected it to be a katana but I like this one too.

Ignatius stretched out his hand and a portal opened up out of nowhere.

"Huh?! You can make these?!"

He didn't answer he just stared into the portal.

Well, I don't need a goodbye or anything, when I come back I'll have enough strength to fight Riven on an equal footing... until then... This time I won't be lax on my training, I WILL destroy Riven, And change that grizzly fate I saw.

I walked through the portal and It closed behind me.