New Spear


This will be a bit shorter


I woke up in that bed, my body sticky with sweat and the various juices of Astrid.

Looking down, I saw the orange hair of the woman I made love to last night spread out on the bed.

Smiling, I got up, stretching before going to grab the lukewarm water from the corner.

Wiping myself off, I grimaced before putting my clothes on, deciding I would get a bath before doing anything else today.

Hearing a groan from behind me, I turned to see Astrid getting up, rubbing her eyes before yawning.

Looking down at her nude body, I smirked as I watched her desperately cover herself, her face flushing before she glared at me.

Chuckling, I got up helped wash her off, before watching her dress herself, licking my lips as I watched her slowly clothe herself.

"Well, thanks for that Astrid. Last night was incredible."

She nodded, still blushing, before sighing when she said "I... I guess that means... this is as far as this goes?"

Pursing my lips, I looked towards the orange haired woman, before shaking my head.

"If you ever want to have some fun, I don't mind accompanying you for the night. However, I am not looking for a girl anytime soon. I want to live my life, sleep with who I want, and just... enjoy everything this city has to offer. Sorry."

She just nodded, sighing as she said "Y'know, you're the second woman to say something like that to me, with Skela being the first. Hah... well, if you ever change you're mind, or want to spend the night together, you know where to find me!"

She smiled at me, before exiting the room.

Following behind her, she looked back with an awkward look, saying "Uh... isn't this the part where we leave separately and go about our day?"

I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her waist as I said "I need something to eat, and a bath. Wanna join me?"

She blushed, nodding.

What followed was a pleasure filled morning, with me dragging Astrid through many empty alleys for a few sessions before reaching my home, where we had some fun in the bath.


The week passed quickly, the thing taking up my time being some quick dungeon runs to scrap more funds together just so I can start saving for a new house for Bia and I.

I had managed to get almost 600,000 Valis, as I just went down to floor 12 before going back to the surface, and I had to spend a good amount of that, being 250,000 Valis, on the taxes of both our current home, various bills, and the C Rank Familia Tax, which was 100,000 Valis.

Yeah, somehow a single woman made a Familia C Ranked.

I'm just that badass, huh?

Anyways, I now had 610,000 Valis saved up, and that would likely drop again when I ranked up sometime soon, and when I restocked my potions, whetstones, extra blades, clothes, and more...

Sighing, I leaned on Skela's counter, waiting for her to come back with my new spear.

It didn't take long, as she reappeared with a long bundled cloth.

Laying it on the counter, she grinned at me, saying "Y'know, I think I need to have Lady Hephaestus to check my Falna again! I feel like I might've advanced my Blacksmith Skill crafting this beauty."

I chuckled, rubbing my hands together as I waited for her to reveal my new weapon.

"Well, let me introduce you to..."

Throwing the cloth off, I widened my eyes at the spear.

"Konahrik, or 'Warlord' in some of the ancient dragon languages, if Lady Hephaestus' library is to be believed."

I looked down in wonder at the long black handle, inscribed with white runes. The shaft was grooved, to allow a better grip.

However, while the shaft was exquisite, the real focus was the long blade at the top, longer than my arm.

Pure white, the thin blade gleamed in the light, and when I gently pressed my finger on the edge, I pulled back in surprise, my finger receiving a cut.

Skela chuckled, saying "This is an incredibly sharp blade. It can easily pierce most monsters up to around Floor 22. After that, with enough strength the blade will easily kill. Honestly, I was tempted to accept the backlash of the contract to just keep this thing."

Picking it up, I marveled at how it was evenly balanced, and at how it wasn't too heavy for such a long spear.

It stood two heads taller than me, and I was pretty tall, at just over six feet.

Placing a sheath on the counter, Skela said "I made this just to try and keep you from accidentally killing someone. It should survive the spear, as long as you aren't slamming it into the sheath. Anyways, enjoy. Let me know how it does."

I nodded, thanking Skela before making my way down into the dungeon, eager to try my new toy.

Floor 1 spat out a Kobold, and I just gently pressed the spear onto its throat, watching as the blade dug into the flesh.

Putting a little more force behind it, the blade easily pierced the Kobolds throat, killing it.

Smiling, I made my way around the first Floor, killing anything I came across.

Slashing the spear caused the Kobolds and Goblins to just... separate, their bodies not registering the bisection for a second before dissipating.

Whenever I stabbed the blade into a Kobold or Goblin, the blade sunk easily into their flesh, and I marveled at the sharp edge.

Finishing my test, I flicked the blood from the blade, admiring the pure white tip before gently placing the sheath over top.

Making my way home, I walked with a bounce in my step, humming as I went to go get some rest before my fights tomorrow.